Chen Bing: Why is the PLA Patrol Patrol and Cruiser, why is it accused of "rare routes"?

Author:Straight news Time:2022.06.22

According to the Taiwan United News Network reported on June 21, the Taiwan Air Force announced on the 21st of the so -called "Southwest Airspace" of Taiwan on the 21st. The PLA had up to 29 military aircraft to break into Taiwan's so -called "Southwest Air Defense identification zone".

Straight news: Taiwan authorities said that the PLA's 29 secondary fighters entered the Southwest Airship in Taiwan on Tuesday (21st) and went deep into the southeast airspace. What does this mean by the outside world?

Special commentator Chen Bing: This PLA fighter cruise, 29 times, was regarded by Taiwan as the "third more" this year. We first look at the background of this large -scale cruise: First, the confrontation between China and the United States on Taiwan's issues is becoming more and more intense. Not only does it have military and security, but also the economic field. It is one of the main issues of the Taiwan and the United States Defense Ministers in Singapore's talks. The Chinese side once again stated that for the security of national sovereignty, "at the expense of the battle, at the expense of the price"; "The United States is so hype, which is actually disguised as" theory of the two countries "Zhang Mu, which is supporting" Taiwan independence "; fourth, the competition between China and the United States is becoming more and more acute. China's third aircraft carrier is launched. Double aircraft carrier's military exercise, China released the land -based central anti -missile test, and the United States announced that it would deploy laser anti -missile weapons.

It can be said that Sino -US relations have reached the key crossroads, and they are as risks as Taiwan's issues. PLA fighter aircraft cruise on a large scale and send a serious alarm to the United States and Taiwan authorities. Then why did the PLA fighter cruise in the "airspace" in the southwest of Taiwan, and then went deep into the Philippine Sea in the southeast direction, which paniced some people? There are two reasons. One is that many military facilities of the Taiwan army are east of Taiwan Island, especially military airports, and the Taiwanese side is very guilty. Second, which direction of the so -called "sea and air support" of the U.S. military? Guam base in southeast Taiwan. The PLA fighters now go to the southeast of Taiwan and go deep into the Philippine Sea.

With the increase of Chinese aircraft carrier combat effectiveness, China's ability to maintain national sovereignty will continue to strengthen, and it will go to foreign forces to play the "Taiwan card", but it will not be able to play at all.

Straight News: Lithuania still linked to the Taiwan authorities and sent official delegations to talk about agricultural cooperation with Taiwan. What do you think of this phenomenon?

Special commentator Chen Bing: Lithuania does not talk about foreign rules and violates a Chinese principle, and has been punished. If Lithuania continues to be linked to the Taiwan authorities, it will be sanctioned in the future. Due to Russia and Ukraine's military conflict, Lithuania is now a little fake and tiger. With the help of NATO and the EU forces, it is troublesome. After a while, it is necessary to stop Russia's transit transportation, and to establish a "official" contact with the Taiwan authorities in a while, but I believe that Lithuania cannot have any climate. The country is too small and has no strength and weight. It can be said that Lithuania and Taiwan authorities have nothing to do with their so -called cooperation.

What is even more ridiculous is that Lithuania and Taiwan authorities talk about global issues, and what to say should share experience in food safety, food safety and climate change, and become a "global model", which is really self -impatient. But this does not mean that we have to ignore the "Taili" linked, and every small step of the "Taiwan independence" forces must be prevented. For example, Lithuania claims that it will be in Taiwan's trade offices this fall. Then we have to pay close attention to whether it is the "representative office in Taiwan" or the representative office in Taipei. President Lithuania said in early this month that unofficial trade offices will be set up, so we will also pay attention to whether the so -called "Taiwan Representative Office" established in Vilnius will be renamed.

In a small country like Lithuan, it is impossible to use the US policy to touch the fish with the US Taiwan policy. China must also work hard to destroy Lithuania's non -division. Who violates a Chinese principle, who will be countered.

Author 丨 Chen Bing, special commentator of Shenzhen Satellite TV "Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan"

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