The "Notice on Strict Campaign of Customs Customs" issued by Steel City

Author:Happy Steel City Time:2022.09.28

In order to resolutely curb the fragmentation of crooked wind and evil, protect and mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of party members and cadres, inspire cadres to dare to do daring, forge ahead, and always maintain a motivated mental state, accelerate the construction of modern high -quality beautiful steel city , The Gangcheng District Discipline Inspection Commission, the District Party Committee Organization Department, the District letter and visiting bureau, and the Gangcheng District Branch of the Municipal Public Security Bureau issued the "Notice on Strict Campaign of Customs Customs". The full text is as follows:

Regarding the severe crackdown on the fragmentation of criminals


This year, party members and cadres at all levels in the region have closely focused on the work ideas of the district committee's "1364", advocating hard work, paying close attention to implementation, and continuously promoting the high -quality development of Steel City. However, individual party members and cadres are self -interest, distort the truth, fabricate the facts, and have nothing to do. False reflect cadres' problems, seriously disturb political order, pollute social atmosphere, and hurt the enthusiasm of party members and cadres. In order to resolutely curb the fragmentation of crooked wind and evil, protect and mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of party members and cadres, inspire cadres to dare to do daring, forge ahead, and always maintain a motivated mental state, accelerate the construction of modern high -quality beautiful steel city Now combined with the actual work of our district, we severely crack down on the fragmentation of the criminal accusation. The notice are as follows:

First, the "strict prohibition" of any form of false accusation. The fragmentation of false accusations refers to the real name, anonymous or false names of the reporter, through intentional fabrication or distortion of the facts, falsely reflect the cadre problem, and intend to cause the person's rights to damage, be held accountable or to achieve other unfair purposes. The majority of party members and cadres must be a clear banner and attitude to resolutely oppose any form of false accusation and framed behavior. It is strictly forbidden to maliciously report the complaints of fabrication, fictional plots, and forgery materials; it is strictly forbidden to listen to the information of the Taoism, catch the wind and catch the shadow, and pass the prostitution of the facts; It is strictly forbidden to make rumors to accuse others because individuals' non -correct interests or unreasonable demands are not satisfied; it is strictly forbidden to make rumors because of personal grievances, discredit and slander others.

Second, resolutely "bright sword out of punches" to the framed behavior of false accusations. Increase the investigation and punishment of malicious reports and framed fragments, and resolutely discover, investigate and deal with them together, and notice together. The district disciplinary inspection and supervision organs, organizations, petitions, public security and other departments will strengthen coordination and coordination, conduct a double investigation, dig deep into the organizer and manipulator behind the case, seriously investigate and write black letters, sue black -shaped behaviors, and resolutely accuse the framed of the framed people. Ji according to law. Those who have serious interference elections, cadre selection and appointment, and evaluation of excellence; the organization has clearly concluded, and continues to implement a fragmentation behavior to seriously interfere with the organizational work order of the organization; True news can cause major public opinion or cause serious adverse effects; during the organizational investigation and verification period, the acting or forging, destroying, transferring, and concealing evidence will be treated with the interference investigation work and the relevant personnel will be dealt with from heavy or aggravated.

Third, the cadres who were framed by the accusations were "supporting the back." Cadres who have been verified and identified are indeed a cadres who have been framed and misunderstood by misunderstandings, and in accordance with the principles of seeking truth from facts and regulations, in accordance with the management authority and prescribed procedures of the cadre, in a certain scope, inform the investigation results, and timely timely, in time To clarify the authentic name. The cadres who are dealt with and punished by errors have been corrected in a timely manner to eliminate negative impacts. The banner clearly protects the legitimate rights and interests of cadres, allows cadres to unload the "psychological burden" and light up.

Departments at all levels must earnestly fulfill their subject responsibilities, guide the majority of party members and cadres to strengthen the awareness of the law and abide by the law, talk about politics, take care of the overall situation, and believe in organizations and organizations. The news is not allowed to emit anonymous letter, and it is not allowed to framed. The party members and cadres in the region must adhere to the bottom line of truth -seeking, jointly resist and assist in combating the fragmentation of criminals, truly allow the impulse to be punished. Ecology.


党 Source: Steel City Party Construction

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