Building a clean and beautiful world Great Wall Drilling Niger Project to maintain the clean environment of the oilfield

Author:Belt and Road report Time:2022.06.22

Wen Nietao

In the early morning of June 12, the Agadem oilfield located in the south of the Nigerahara Desert was covered by dusk in the desert in the desert. This is a "international sanitation team" composed of the Great Wall Drilling Niger Oil Well Field Maintenance Project. They held sacks, iron pupa, and long -handle clips, and picked up garbage scattered in sand.

The team consists of Chinese employees, Pakistani employees and local employees of Niger. This is their daily operations that they have persisted for 3 years. While the pipelines between the weekly inspection stations, they spontaneously recycled the garbage they saw. The captain of this sanitation team said: "When I first entered this operating area a few years ago, I found that no one can be managed by the garbage everywhere around the scene. The assignment affects. We can't just sweep the snow in front of the door and protect the environment. "In this way, no matter how bad the small team is, this small team will not move inside and outside the oil field operation. And the recovered garbage is classified in accordance with flammable garbage, metal garbage, oil sand, etc., and puts into various recycling points for centralized treatment.

Over the years of persistence has greatly reduced the number of garbage on the scene and surroundings, and Party A's person in charge praised them as an environmental "beautician". Great Wall Drilling PetroChina uses responsibilities to build a clean and beautiful world with international friends.

Source: China Petroleum Network

Edit: Lulu

Review: Jia Qi

School pair: Qin Sufeng

Editor: Deng Zhuo

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