The post -95s nurse saves people during the Mid -Autumn Festival family banquet.

Author:Pole news Time:2022.09.27

Ji Mu Journalist Zheng Jingjing Profile Reporter Li Jingyi

Correspondent Huang Jieying

"Thank you for standing forward when my father's life is dying!" On the morning of the 27th, Mr. Sun, a citizen, took the Jinqi to find a nurse for the anesthesia department of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Hubei Province. It turned out that Mr. Sun's father had a sudden emergency before dining on the Mid -Autumn Festival. Xu Jiayi, who was eating with his family, quickly stepped forward to rescue him.

Mr. Sun sent Jinqi to Xu Jiayi, a anesthesiologist (Picture Source: Hubei Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital)

It turned out that at more than 5 pm on September 10, Mr. Sun and his family lined up at the entrance of a hot pot restaurant in Hanyang, Wuhan. Who knew that Mr. Sun's 72 -year -old father suddenly fell to the ground because the old man had two strokes before. The whole family fell into panic. At this time, Xu Jiayi was eating next to me. I heard that someone fainted outside, and quickly put down the chopsticks and ran out. After Xu Jiayi came out, he saw a group of people around an old man. The old man's limbs were stiff and the teeth were closed. They were placed on the three stools that were struggled together. In panic, some family members want to use chopsticks to pry open the old man's teeth, and some are trying cardiopulmonary resuscitation. "I am a nurse of the provincial women and children. Let me take a look." Xu Jiayi evacuated the crowd to ensure the ventilation around the elderly, then asked the family members to dial 120, and set the elderly on the ground.

Xu Jiayi carefully evaluated the signs of life for the elderly. When the carotid artery was pulled normally, she asked her family to stop her heart and ask: "Daddy, if you can hear me, you can blink." Get the old man's blink of an eye. After the response, Xu Jiayi relieved and released his clothes for the elderly to reduce restraint. She listened carefully and heard the sound of the elderly's throat. She hurriedly sideways the old man's head to clean up the nose and vomit, so as not to block the breath.

"After watching the nurse's professional first aid, we gradually calmed down." Mr. Sun said. Then 120 emergency vehicles arrived, and Xu Jiayi also helped send the old man into the car together. Before Mr. Sun followed his father's ambulance, he specifically instructed his wife Ms. Zhang to leave the contact information of the nurse. Ms. Zhang wanted to add Xu Jiayi's WeChat. She declined and turned to return to the restaurant for dinner, but Ms. Zhang insisted on pulling her not to let go, and Xu Jiayi had to leave the phone number. After being sent to the hospital urgently, Sun's father recovered well. He kept thinking about this enthusiastic nurse and would like to thank him. Mr. Sun said that he has always contacted Xu Jiayi to express his gratitude, but she always said, "It's okay, it's a trivial matter, don't thank you."

On the 27th, Mr. Sun brought Jinqi and fruits to the Department of Anesthesiology of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Hubei Province to thank his father's life -saving benefactor. "At that time, only Nurse Xu came out and rescued my father, and it was very professional. Without her, my father might not be there." Mr. Sun was still excited when he said the situation at the time.

When I saw Jinqi, the colleagues of the department learned that Xu Jiayi saved people on the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival. "Although Xu Jiayi is young, it is solid and solid in work. Captain Wang Lin said.

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