Gan Yu transferred from the ICU to the general ward, and told the self -rescue experience in detail →

Author:Banyue talk about new media Time:2022.09.27

Afternoon on the 25th

Gan Yu transferred from ICU ward to the general ward

Tell reporters about trapped experience

He was rescued after 17 days of loss in the Luding earthquake

It affects the hearts of many people

There are only 110 pounds from 150 pounds to now

Having overcome hunger, physical trauma, high myopia ...

What support Gan Yu persisted for 17 days?

What did he experience during this time?

What is the agreement between Gan Yu and Luo Yong?

After the earthquake, they gave up escape

Division of labor open flood locks

On the day of the earthquake, when asked why he made a decision to open the gate, Gan Yu said that at the time, the water level rose, and he proposed to open the gate to release the water and agreed with his colleague Luo Yong to give up the escape first. "I said that the dam gates should be lifted to put water, otherwise it will be a lot of people, Luo Yong agreed."

But Gan Yu had nearly 500 degrees of myopia. At that time, the glasses were smashed by flying stone, and he could only see a distance of about ten meters. So Luo Yong first opened a flood lock. Later, Gan Yu climbed up the dam and opened another gate with Luo Yong.

After that, they were trapped on the mountain for a long time without eating. Gan Yu's legs were injured in the aftershock. Thinking of himself to drag his companion, he decided to let Luo Yong go first: "Because the road in front collapses, my physical strength is exhausted. Go down, let him go first. "

△ Wandong Hydropower Station

"I think someone must be looking for me nearby

Let them discover me "

After Luo Yong left, Gan Yu was waiting for three or four days. Because the aftershocks continued, he was worried that Luo Yong had an accident, so he decided to follow Luo Yong's leaving. During this time, he overcome many unimaginable difficulties.

During the escape, he eats kiwi on the mountain to fill his hunger. "There are some wild fruits on the road, just eat those. When it rains, pinch a handful of water and drink a little."

Drinking the water in the moss is learned from the documentary "Survival of the Wild". This is one of Gan Yu's rare outdoor survival knowledge. In the film, the hero's experience of "drinking urine" was later used on Gan Yu. In the absence of water, Gan Yu said, "If you want to live, you can only drink your own urine."

In the meantime, Gan Yu tried to save himself many times. When you lie on the ground and dry your clothes. "

In the days when Gan Yu was trapped, his concept of time was very vague. "Sometimes I was tired, and I felt a day or 30 days after sleeping." He said that the most difficult time was that his feet were injured. Dynamic, sometimes stay in place for a day or two.

Gan Yu said that during this time, he supported himself with his miss and belief he wanted to survive. "I just want to survive, I think someone must be looking for me nearby, let them discover me."

On the 21st, the villager Ni Tai Gao went up the mountain twice, and finally found Gan Yu, who had lost contact for 17 days. "I shouted life -saving, when I heard someone responding, and knew someone, I kept calling for life. I was very excited when I saw him, and finally someone found me!"

△ Gan Yu's rescue picture

I want to eat the most after healing

Talk to Luo Yong to agree to "eat together"

Looking back at this experience, Gan Yu told reporters, "It's not easy to survive. Although I encountered a lot of difficulties, I feel that there is no life."

Gan Yu said with emotion, "We stayed at the power station because we wanted to save downstream villagers, and later I was rescued because of the villagers. Thank you for everyone and everyone."

Gan Yu said on the bed and said his wish after healing: "What the most wanted to do is definitely a good body and delicious meal, and with my family. Thank you for saving me."

Connecting the video call from colleague Luo Yong. This was the first time they talked for more than ten days after the escape road was separated for more than ten days after the earthquake. Two Sichuan men who had just experienced the test of hunger. After the rest of their lives, they did not forget the agreement of "eating together."

According to the West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Gan Yu is expected to undergo a left ankle joint surgery on Wednesday, and the nail foreign body under the left back skin will also be taken out. If the recovery is smooth, Gan Yu will be discharged from the hospital this week.

Source: CCTV News (ID: CCTVNewscenter), Voice of China (ID: ZGZS001) of the Central Radio and Television Station

Responsible editor: Zhang Ziqing

School pair: Guo Yanhui

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