Northwestern University of Technology alarm

Author:Global Times Time:2022.06.22

On June 22, Northwestern University of Technology issued a public statement. Recently, the school's email system has been attacked by cyber attacks, which has a negative impact on the normal teaching life of the school. The school reported the police as soon as possible, and was preliminarily determined by the public security organs. The full text of the statement is as follows:

Recently, the email system of our school has been attacked by the Internet, which has a negative impact on the normal teaching life of the school. Our school reported the police as soon as possible, and was preliminarily determined by the public security organs. The public statement is as follows:

In this online attack incident, there are hackers from overseas and criminals sending fishing emails containing Trojan's procedures to teachers and students of our school, trying to steal relevant teachers and students' email data and personal information of citizens, and cause significant major work and order of life to the school's normal work and order of life. Risk risk hazards. For a long time, our school has attached great importance to network security work, regularly carried out network security publicity and education, regularly carried out network security inspections and technical monitoring, clarified the active defense strategy, and comprehensively adopted technical protection measures. The school's awareness of network security and keenness of teachers and students has increased year by year. Fishing emails from overseas have not caused important data leakage. It has not caused major network security incidents. Campus network security and personal information security of teachers and students have been effectively maintained.

In order to further find out the facts, deal with the network attacks of related hackers and criminals in accordance with the law, and adopt effective measures to build a campus network security barrier and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of teachers and students. And retain the right to prosecution.

Here, our school reminds the majority of Internet users: The network space is not a place outside the law. Sending fishing emails and infringing citizens' personal information is a criminal act. The majority of netizens are requested to use the network and standardized network to strictly abide by the "Network Security Law of the People's Republic of China" to jointly create a clear network space.

Northwestern University of Technology

June 22, 2022

Source: Northwest University of Technology

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