In the epidemic, there are warmth to send medicine to the door to warm people's hearts

Author:Weili County Rong Media Center Time:2022.09.27

"Hello, buy Wu River, I have been taking medicine to reduce blood lipids, can I find a way to help me buy it." On September 22, the director of the Rural Revitalization Office of Yingbag Village, Akusp La Kukan received help and immediately contacted the pharmacy.

In the past few days, buying Wula Kurban has been serving the masses in front line of the epidemic prevention and control, and assisted the village "two committees" cadres to do a good job of epidemic prevention and household propaganda. The two sons of villagers Suleman Abra, who needed to take medicine for a long time due to illness to control the disease on time, after receiving the demands when buying Wula Kurban, they immediately contacted the Township Health Center and the County Disease Prevention and Control Center. The method of professional doctors understands the patient's condition, medication, and the surplus amount of drugs, and then contact the point of the county's disease prevention and control center to send the medicine to the home of Sulaiman Abrara. Sulaman Abrala said gratefully: "Thank you for helping the party and the government. It is very hard to help me get medicine for me."

The villager Casmu Mami found that his long -term medication can only be maintained for two days, and this drug can only be bought in the county seat. Essence After many contacts, the buying the medicine I bought to send the medicines to Casmu Mami in time.

On the front line of epidemic prevention, buying Wula Kuerban gave full play to the role of the "courier", solved the various demands of the masses, and became a beautiful landscape in the anti -epidemic prevention battle. Like him, the party members of the Akusp Township Use actual actions to help "epidemic" to effectively ensure the health and life safety of the people in the area in the area.

Information source: Aku Supu Township Wang Yinping

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