Nancheng: The Representative of the People's Congress is more "pro -" the people of Oyster Gang Museum

Author:Dongguan Daily · Dongguan Plus Time:2022.09.26

Dongguan+2022-09-26 16:26:59

The clear identification guidelines along the way, the characteristic Biqiu site propaganda sign, the new and neat protective fence and bamboo enclosure on the road ...

Recently, the citizens who came to the Nansheng Oyster Gang Site Museum "punch cards" were surprised to find that the phenomenon of Baiqiu Road's traversal parking was gone, and the "face value" of the road was greatly improved, which was both a cultural fan and a little fresh. Today, on the way to the Museum of Oyster Gang, people can clearly feel that the environment around the museum is becoming better. The important thing is that citizens do not have to look around in the museum.

This transformation comes from the representative of the Nancheng People's Congress for a month, and has repeatedly investigated and supervised many field investigations to promote the results of "joint action" in relevant departments and communities.

Pain points:

The car is difficult to stop, and the museum "dismiss" tourists

The Dongguan Oyster Gang Site Museum is located in Nancheng Shenghe Community. It is the first Biqiu Site Museum built above the original site in Guangdong Province. The earliest human life sites were found in Dongguan, which was the birthplace of Dongguan culture and the "cornerstone of Dongguan History and Culture".

Since the opening of the museum, the "First Village of the Pearl River Delta" has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life, and the enthusiasm for visiting has continued to rise. The number of tourists each year is about 30,000. However, the popularity of the museum has not been transformed into business opportunities, but has become an unbearable "pain" for surrounding residents.

From the map, the Oyster Gang Museum is located at No. 12 Xiangxiangxiang, Longyumitang, Longpatang, Si Village, Oyster Gang. It has the prosperity of the city. It is more grounded and popular than neighboring fireworks. However, this "big hidden city" also brought some embarrassment.

"Many citizens go around for a long time to find the museum." Wu Xiaobin, head of the Oyster Gang Museum, said that the museum is located in the "old community". After many times, it is difficult to deduct its door. At the same time, due to the insufficient parking space around the museum, many tourists who have visited themselves have been "dismissed".

The roads are not smooth and the parking spaces are difficult to find, which is just one of the chaos around the museum. The identification guidelines are not clear, the lack of corresponding cultural atmosphere around the museum, the community residents keep the "treasure", but there is no enough platform to undertake the business opportunities brought by the conversion flow, so that the tourists from afar are "empty -handed". This is oyster. This is oyster. The "pain" of the Gang Site Museum and the four oysters villagers. These problems have also become the "pain points" and "blocking points" of the "first good area" in Nancheng to build the city center.

Broken questions:

Special supervision, clarify the timetable roadmap

In order to further promote the long -term development of the museum and attract more tourists to the South City to check in, in July of this year, the representatives of the Nancheng People's Congress included the "Improvement and Promotion of Environmental Reform of the Oyster Gang Site Museum" in special supervision, and was determined to move away the "stumbling block" of this development. Essence

Special supervision on July 7 was officially launched. On the morning of the same day, the Teaching and Cultural and Health Working Group of Nancheng Street People's Congress launched a special survey of environmental improvement and improvement around the Oyster Gang Site Museum, inspected the surrounding environment of the museum on the spot, and focused on viewing the situation of Picchu Road and parking along the road.

"It is necessary to further improve the sign of the museum, accelerate the surrounding road blocking and shared bicycle parking, etc., reasonably set up the road gate in the village, and plan to build parking lots."

"Pay attention to the continuity of the museum and site culture, enhance the human environment around the museum, and increase public cultural facilities and greening."

"Link the surrounding schools to create special courses and continue to revitalize museum resources."


After field visits, the representatives of the National People's Congress were clear about the current status and problems of the surrounding environment of the museum. Everyone expressed their opinions, and proposed a "upgrade plan" from the aspects of the museum's accessibility, the improvement of the surrounding cultural grades, and the implementation of cultural benefits to the people.

The next day, the Nantong Street People's Congress of the People's Congress organized an environmental improvement and promotion and implementation meeting. The Nansong City Management Branch, Sanitation Office, Traffic Police Brigade, Oyster Gang Site Museum, Shenghe Community and Oyster Gang Four Villages attended all the attendance. Essence The meeting determined that the first key issues such as roads parking, parking planning, and cultural atmosphere were determined, requiring departmental responsibilities, each duty, forming a joint force, and deciding to carry out a one -month environmental improvement operation.


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Make the museum more "pro -pro -people" and open up the "last mile" to serve the masses. This is not only the voice of the representatives of the National People's Congress, the responsibilities of the relevant departments of Nancheng, but also the ultimate goal of this special supervision.

7月12日上午,由南城环卫所“认领”的博物馆周边环境提升项目——“贝丘路加装道路护栏”首先进场施工,经过一个多小时紧张作业,一排排整齐的道路护栏、 The road rod stands on Beqiu Road.

At the same time, the Nancheng Traffic Police Brigade, Oyster Gang Site Museum, Shenghe Community and other units have acted to take the initiative to undertake tasks, and promote the implementation of the specific issues raised by the environmental improvement and improvement.

From strengthening road inspections, rectification of traffic order, improving traffic guidelines, rectification of roadside fences, re -planning the construction area of ​​domestic waste classification stations, and improving the surrounding supporting facilities. Perform the commitment to serve the people, and use loyalty and mission to promote the progress of the project and key issues.

With joint operations and joint efforts, a brand -new picture on Beqiu Road is unfolding -unique cultural charm museum propaganda cards, clean and tidy streets, orderly parking vehicles, green building enclosure ... change changesAlthough small, it has become a "little luck" that the surrounding residents are obvious.Huang Xiangyang, director of the Nantong Street People's Congress, said that on the basis of promoting the improvement of the improvement of the environmental improvement of the museum and the continuous improvement of the construction of hardware supporting facilities, it is particularly important to promote a deeper development of the Oyster Gang Museum to achieve deeper development.

In the next step, the representatives of the Nancheng People's Congress will continue to follow up the long -term development of museums and communities, and promote the implementation of various tasks to be implemented on time, and truly build things that the people care about into into a "boutique project" with high quality.

Text: Reporter Wu Jinhua Correspondent Nan Renxuan Picture: Correspondent Picture Confer

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