China help Niger goes on the development fast track

Author:Direct Africa Time:2022.09.26

General Syini Concate Bridge, the third largest bridge of Niger, Kaitaji Hydropower Station ... As many projects related to Niger's economic development have taken root one after another, the pragmatic cooperation between China and Nini has continued to bloom, and it has also set up among the people of the Chinese people. "Friendship Bridge". Recently, the Niger Ambassador to China Garba Sini said in an interview with this newspaper: "The Niger people appreciate China's project in Nigeron, and many developing countries have benefited from China's economic strength and development experience."

Recent photo of Niger Ambassador to China Garba Sini. Photo by Lu Ningyuan, overseas network

"China presents a peaceful peace scene everywhere"

In July of this year, Garba Seni became the ambassador to China. This was the first time he came to China. For the "first experience" in China, Seni gave three keywords: "developed", "peace" and "peace".

Shortly after playing, Seni has been to China in many places in China. Beijing, Xinjiang, Guangxi ... In the continuous walking, Seni was impressed by the booming development of China: "Although it can't be said to understand China completely, I have seen that China presents peaceful and peaceful scenes everywhere."

Si Ni said that the prosperous development of China is inseparable from the helm of the Communist Party of China. The Communist Party of China led China to prosper and prosperity, and has now developed into the world's largest Marxist ruling party. "The Communist Party of China plays a decisive role in China's economic and social development, so that China can shine on the world stage."

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is another important window for the world to observe China. Seni believes: "For China or the world, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a major event. The Communist Party of China not only makes happiness for the Chinese people, but also contributes to the cause of human progress."

China's development brings opportunities to Africa inland

The rapid development of China has brought opportunities to Niger inland inland in Africa. With a cooperation with China, the results of cooperation benefited from China. For example, on the slowly flowing Niger River, a straight and wide two -way four -lane road bridge -General Sini Konjie Bridge flew across the river on both sides of the river to pull the Niger's capital in Western and American. Mody District is connected. The cross -river bridge, a Chinese government, was called the "gem" on the Niger River by the locals.

With the fall of the last car stone, the Niger Kaiji Hydropower Station project has recently successfully interrupted. This hydropower station, known as the "Niger Three Gorges Project", officially entered a new stage of the main structure construction, becoming another evidence for win -win cooperation between China and Nini. Seni introduced that the Kaidi Hydropower Station was the first hydropower station in Niger. The people of the Niger had high hopes for it. "After the completion, the Kaidaji Hydropower Station will greatly improve Niger's power supply capacity and will also promote agricultural production. Get better governance. "

In addition to the "road repair and bridge", Niger's ranks in the world's oil -producing countries are inseparable from China's support. Niger is an inland country in West Africa. The land area of ​​3/4 is covered by the desert. It lacks oil production capacity for a long time. All refined oils rely on imports, which seriously restrict economic development and people's livelihood improvement. A generation of Niger's relay exploration, a large international oil company came and went again. In the depths of the desert of the camel, the transportation of the Niger people "developed the petroleum industry" was urgent.

The arrival of Chinese companies reworked the Niger's "oil industry dream". In 2011, the Agardum Oilfield Integrated project was completed by Petroleum Oil. Niger has since entered the ranks of oil and refined oil producers, basically realized the self -sufficiency of refined oil products, and has the upstream and downstream integration of the country. Complete oil industry system. In 2021, Niger Benin's crude oil was opened by China Enterprise Construction. After the project was completed, Niger's crude oil exports will be achieved to help Niger go to the fast lane.

Seni said that relying on the technical guarantee of Chinese enterprises, Niger's oil industry has developed rapidly in more than ten years. Now Niger's oil production is not only used for national consumption, but also exported to neighboring countries. He also said: "China has become the largest source of investment in Niger, and many developing countries have benefited from China's economic strength and development experience."

A thumbs up for "Chinese doctor"

The friendship in China has been new for a long time, and it is even more real in the crisis. On March 19, 2020, the first case of new crown pneumonia in Niger appeared in Niger, which was urgent for a while; on April 30, the Niger government received the first batch of anti -epidemic supplies of the Chinese government; on June 10, the Chinese government was Assisting Niger's second batch of anti -epidemic supplies arrived in Niamei ... China's anti -epidemic assistance built a safety defense line for the Niger people. "After the new crown pneumonia epidemic, China was the first international forces to donate vaccines and protective materials to Niger to help Niger fight against the new crown pneumonia. Niger is very grateful to the friendly and selfless louder of the Chinese side."

Siyi said that cooperating with the disease is a microcosm of medical and health cooperation between the two countries, and the sources of cooperation between China and Nigeria in the field of health is long. The completion of the Niger Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital, which was constructed by China in August 2016, was one of the largest hospitals in Niger and even West Africa. It has now become an important base for cooperation in the medical and health fields of Ni -China. Since the signing of medical technology cooperation agreements in Nigeria in 1976, China has been sending medical teams to Niger for 46 years. A batch of Chinese medical teams has helped to bring advanced medical devices and fine technologies to Niger to become the people of Niger. The "Chinese doctor" that frequently erected the thumb. "Medical team members have fulfilled their duties, rescued the wounds, and worked well, so that the Nigerians were relieved from the pain." Seni said emotionally. From infrastructure construction to health cooperation, from cultural exchanges to economic and trade exchanges ... A series of Sino -Nine cooperation has made Niger more oily, bridges, and sickness. Essence Seni said: "The cooperation between the two countries can be called a model. As a friendly country, the people of the China -Niqi people are connected with each other with solid cooperation." (Source: "People's Daily Overseas Edition")

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