Enter the high incidence!Hubei Police Latest Tips

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.06.22


The danger of drowning is approaching step by step

According to news reports

Recently, there have been many tragedies of drowning in all parts of the country

Behind the continuous growth number

Is a lively life

And the broken family one by one

Why warning again and again

The tragedy continues to happen?

Hubei police revealed for you

Nine Cognitive misunderstandings about drowning-

Police reminder:

No matter how good the water nature is, it is not a fish after all

It is impossible to "like fish" forever

Never drop water does not mean zero risk

I am afraid of "wet shoes" by walking by the river

Children's drama risk coefficients increase sharply

Be sure to strengthen heart defense, civil defense, and technical defense

Source: "Ping An Hubei" New Media Studio

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