Jieyou Tofu "Paper Horse in Water Margin" Jieyi: About Li Jun and Song Jiang’s Jieyi

Author:Music club Time:2022.09.24

Paper Horse in Water Margin 08

Buyi tofu said the Water Margin series

Eighth time

Li Jun and Song Jiang

After that, Song Jiang served in guilty and sent Jiangzhou, and he met Li Jun and other heroes. Li Jun rescued Song Jiang from the death line. The book narrative said:

That night, Li Jun was treated with everyone and spent the night at home; the next day, he arranged for the esophagus to wait, and sent out Song Jiang and two public people in the bag. I was farewell at the time. Song Jiang and Li Jun, Tong Wei, Tong Meng, and the two men came down to the mountain, and they went to Li Jun's house to rest. Prepare wine and food, worship Song Jiang as his brother, and stay at home. After a few days, Song Jiang was going to do it. Li Jun couldn't stay and took some silver two public people. Song Jiang brought up his up his luggage, cleaned up his baggage, and said goodbye to Li Jun, Tong Wei, and Tong Meng.

Judging from the narrative in the book, it should also be Li Jun's discussion with Song Jiang. Song Jiangshun responded. And Li Jun's righteousness in his home and Song Jiang also probably brought the Tong Meng Tongwei brothers. As in the future, Li Jun once again brought the Tong brothers, the same as the four people in Taihu Haojie Fei Bao.

Illustrated: Tang Dinghua

So, since they were rescued from Li Li's hotel at that time, since everyone is a good man in the rivers and lakes, Li Jun is also familiar with Li Li, so why did Li Jun propose a righteousness in the hotel, and by the way, Li Li also made a righteousness together. What about going in? Because, even if they are all good men, they are not individuals who have to become brothers. Song Jiang did not come to an individual to promise the righteousness. Li Jun thought about it. He brought Song Jiang back to his home, just to eliminate Li Li, so as to maximize the possibility of himself and Song Jiang.

Because you Li Li, the nature is turbid and rudely acts, and the rivers and lakes have made the rivers and lakes, Song Gongming, into a meat bag, and Li Jun and Tong's brothers have always been a loyal fan of Gongming. Thinking about the planning, you see, Li Li heard that someone said that Song Jiji was about to distribute Jiangzhou, and he waited for five or seven days in the way of Song Jiang's must be on the way. Later, when he went to the mountain, Li Jun was thoughtful and intelligent. He found that the prisoner who was about to be killed was the elder brother Song Jiang who thought about it, so he saved his elder brother's life in time. It can be said that Song Jiang's life this time benefited from Li Jun's respect and deep intention of Song Jiang.

Therefore, since Song Jiang is not willing to make sense, then facing one of one of them, Li Jun, who has no intention to be, and rude Li Li, who do you think he is willing to make friends with him?

At the same time, we can also feel deeply that even if the same is the same as the righteous brothers, the degree of emotional degree of each other is slightly different. For example, Song Jiang has a place where Wu Song is. I ca n’t get a brother with Wu Erlang, and I am also deeply affectionate with Li Yan. You feel like I am. The book once described the psychological activity when Li Yan first saw his brother Song: Li Yan laughed: "A good brother Song! People say it is not bad. I know the personality of being a brother. Worshiping this brother is not stunned! "And Song Jiang did not have so much affection for Wu Song to Li Jun, but was moved by Li Jun's emotions to his emotions. More ingredients. Therefore, once Li Jun opened his mouth, Song Jiang only conforms to his promise and did not refuse.

Therefore, the knot of Song Jiang and Wu Song seems to be the two lovers face each other and admire each other. The righteousness of Song Jiang and Li Jun seemed to be moved by Song Jiang. Since the hero saves the beauty, the beauty promises the heroic love, which is also in line with reason.

If you want to know what to do, please listen to decomposition next time.

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