Linxia City, Gansu: Increasing the production of epidemic prevention materials to help epidemic prevention and control work

Author:Linxiazhou Radio and TV Statio Time:2022.09.24

In the past few days, Gansu Yangguang Zhijia Network Technology Co., Ltd., Gansu, Nanlong Town, Linxia City, has increased its horsepower company to increase the production of medical surgical masks and N95 masks, and fully protect the demand for the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Recently, the reporter came to the company's mask to produce workshops and saw the staff's busy work. The machine production, cutting, and packaging were intertwined, and the production process was orderly. The person in charge of the enterprise told reporters that the company's production strictly implements the national medical device production system, follows the quality management system, and ensures that the mask produced is "wearing", which fully meets the requirements of epidemic prevention.

Ma Junjie, a staff member of Gansu Sunshine Zhijia Network Technology Co., Ltd., said: "Our company actively organizes workers to work overtime and devotes themselves to the production and operation of medical surgical masks, medical protection clothing and other series of epidemic prevention materials and anti -killing supplies. The daily output of the company's medical surgical mask can reach 300,000, and the daily output of N95 masks can reach 50,000. At the same time, our company also actively assumes corporate responsibilities to donate the total value of the epidemic prevention and control supplies to Linxia City and surrounding counties. Yuan."

Wearing a mask is an effective means to block the discharge of the respiratory tract. The reporter also reminds the general public that the epidemic prevention and control is unsatisfactory, actively abide by various epidemic prevention policies, do personal protection, actively wear masks, wash hands, and ventilate. Essence

Reporter: Wang Huixian Guo Dongshan

Edit: Wang Peng Wang Wenjuan

Responsible editor: Wang Weixiao Master Editor: Kong Lingding

Produced: Director Ji Ping: Chen Keyi

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