free!Hubei can screen cancer these places

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.22

Recently, Uncle Li, a patient with intestinal cancer rehabilitation, brought two younger brothers to the Hubei Cancer Hospital Anti -Cancer Medical Examination Center to participate in the national urban cancer premature premature treatment project (hereinafter referred to as "urban cancer project"). It is reported that at present, residents from 45 to 74 in 6 cities in Hubei Province can screen for free.

Uncle Li is 66 years old and lives in Hongshan District, Wuhan. He usually lives and loves self -driving and fishing. One weekend in November last year, when he sent his grandson to a community in Nanhu to participate in extracurricular training, he encountered the community for urban cancer project propaganda, so he filled out the cancer risk assessment questionnaire on the spot. A week later, he received a text message to inform him of the risk of liver cancer, gastric cancer, bowel cancer, lung cancer, and notified him to go to a fixed -point screening agency for free screening.

Subsequently, Uncle Li came to Hubei Cancer Hospital and received a number of free examinations such as low -dose spiral CT, liver B -ultrasound, gastroscopy, and colonoscopy, and was eventually found to have early bowel cancer. After diagnosis of intestinal cancer, Uncle Li immediately undergone surgical treatment at gastrointestinal surgery in Hubei Oncology Hospital. Due to the earlier condition, only a few periods of chemotherapy needed to be performed after surgery. At present, he is in good health, and his energy has returned to his previous state.

It is understood that the urban cancer project is a major national public health service project. It can screen for free lung cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, and colorectal cancer in urban areas. The project has been implemented in some cities in our province since 2018. As of the end of May 2022, a total of 75,777 people were evaluated in a total of 75,777 people, 19768 (times) were completed, 2144 patients (times) were detected by cancer and cancer patients (times) It has played a positive role in improving the early treatment of cancer in the province.

At present, urban cancer projects have screening points in 6 cities including Wuhan, Yichang, Jingmen, Jingzhou, Xiangyang, and Shiyan. All local residents 45-74 can participate. Participation method: WeChat enters the "Chinese Residents Cancer Prevention and Control Action" applet, fills in the questionnaire online to evaluate the risk of cancer; if the system prompts as high -risk people, you can make an appointment to check the project online, and then go to the designated hospital where the city is reserved for inspection Essence

(Source: Hubei Daily)

[Edit: Hou Fangyu]

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