Chaozhou Ancient City: Humanities Getting Guanling East Fireworks is the most strong hometown

Author:Chaozhou released Time:2022.06.22

Chaozhou Landmark Architecture Guangji Gate City Tower.

According to the landmark of the ancient city of Chaozhou, a plaque hangs on the first eaves and said "Lingdong's First Yi".

Chaozhou is known as the reputation of "coastal Zou Lu" and "Linghai Mingbang". As the place where the counties of the past, the ancient city of Chaozhou has always been the political, economic, and cultural center of Lingdong.

Like Hanjiang's mother's river, it has been flowing for thousands of years. The unique charm of the ancient city of Chaozhou lies in the long history, profound heritage, but also inheriting the endlessness of the consequences.

Guangji Bridge, Torii Street, Korean Gong Temple, Beige Buddhist Lantern, Hushan pictures ... The humanistic style everywhere in the ancient city can be seen everywhere, all of which are the spiritual imprints that trigger the resonance of tide people.

Despite the rapid economic and social development of Chaozhou, the ancient city of Chaozhou is still quiet. Chaozhou people's hard -working and simple life attitude and delicate and elegant life taste have made the millennium ancient city always lingering the fireworks of "home".

Lingdong Chief of Lingdong

Chaozhou Gucheng Changli Cultural Park, the renewal project of Zhenhai Tower (old mans), which has attracted much attention from the public, is under construction.

Zhenhai Building was the Lulou of the Chaozhou Office during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The Chaozhou government, as the place where Chaozhou officials had performed their duties in the past, were an important symbol of the history of the ancient Chaozhou government.

Qianlong's "Chaozhou Prefecture Chronicle · Department" contains: "Chaozhou government, old pillow Jinshan, Song Jingyan destroyed. Yuanzhongzhong, the director Ding Jian was the general manager. Jianxin Street (now Changli Road). "

Guangxu's "Haiyang County Chronicle · Construction Strategy" contains: "Knowing the government, in the new street. The old is in the foot of Jinshan, the Jinyi'an County Department of Jinyi.

Behind the Chaozhou Government Department is the Haiyang County Department. Haiyang County was built in the sixth year of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (331). In the ninth year of Yixi (413), it was divided into Ya'an County, Dongguan County. The governance of the government has become the political, economic, and cultural center of Lingdong.

Chen Xianwu, a literary and historian, said that from the region, "Lingdong" is relative to "Lingnan". Lingnan is south of Wuling, west of Dalingling, and Lingdong on the east side of Dalingling. In the Ming Dynasty, Guangdong had a division of Taoism, including the three prefectures of Guangzhou, Nanxiong, and Shaozhou in Lingnan Road, and the two prefectures of Huizhou and Chaozhou in Lingdong Road. In the nine years of Yixi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it was settled in Yi'an County, and Haiyang County, where the county was located, was the first of the county. Yongzheng's "Guangdong Tongzhi · Xingxing Win" contains: "Chaojun seal is the east of Guangdong, the northeast is connected to Ting Gan, and the southwest will follow the Hui. Shouyi is said to Haiyang." Carry: "Attached Guo Yue Haiyang, is the leader of Eleven Yi."

Between the Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, Jin Yifeng, Haiyang Zhixian County, established the "Lingdong First Yi" square before the county's rule, showed the important position of Haiyang County. Today's ancient city of Chaozhou is the core area of ​​Haiyang County.

The county is on the verge of the Han River, and the south is the vast sea. In ancient times, Chaozhou had a natural geographical advantage with waterway as its main transportation method.

According to Chen Xianwu, the Qing Dynasty Lan Dingyuan's "Chaozhou Maritime Defense Map" described: "The southeast of Chaojun is also in the sea, Zuo Sui Minzhang, right Linhui Guang, and the situation of strong tide is the screen fan of the two provinces. Also. "Starting from Chaozhou, both Hanjiang and Maritime Walls have been issued, far from the outside and Southeast Asia and other places. The good development of the domestic and foreign trade economy has led to cultural exchanges and promoted the increasing change of social atmosphere. Lan Dingyuan's "Chaozhou Customs Exam" said, "The prosperity of the style of writing is in Lingnan." There are often outstanding talents in all counties, and they are the first to self -cultivation of Qi Jiajia. It is also the half of Guangdong. "The ancient Yue people lived in Jiang, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong. The tribes each had their own names, and they were collectively referred to as" Baiyue ", also known as" Baiyue ". Although there are exaggerated words, it can be seen that the style of the region is prosperous!

Therefore, Chaozhou was called "Lingnan Da County" in the Tang Dynasty.

Songcheng's rhyme, humanistic gathers

Zheng Changshi, Zheng Changshi of the Qing Dynasty, recorded the poem "Twenty -Four Wings of Chaozhou" in the Qing Dynasty. Temple, Lu Yanxiang Temple, etc. There is also eight poems in "Eight Scenery of Chaozhou", praising the famous historic sites of Chaozhou.

Famous monuments are a testimony of humanities, and it is also a carrier of cultural heritage. Behind each of the victory, there are historical stories and beautiful legends, reflecting the attitude and value of Chaozhou people.

"Chaozhou Xiangqiao is romantic, and the eighteen shuttle boats are four continents; the fourth floor is the same, two cows are slippery." One Guangji Bridge. The ancient bridge founded in the Southern Song Dynasty was built through the relay of the officials and people of Chaozhou for nearly 360 years, and it was only for the formation of today's pattern of the Ming Jiajing. Guangji Bridge is an ancient testimony of Chaozhou people bravely tide and united. Due to the incredible construction of the difficulty, the story of the "fairy Buddha's bridge" is widely circulated in the people, and this bridge also has another more intimate name -Xiangzi Bridge.

Chaozhou Taiping Road, the elderly, commonly known as the "street", is the central axis of the ancient city from north to south. This rare archway street, a stone archway, records the stories of the sages, showing the cultural concepts of the wandering people. "Ten Phase Voices · Taishan Beidou" workshop, commemorating the ten prime ministers from the Tang and Song dynasties to Chaozhou, and Han Yu, the master of the Chaoren Bai Shi; · Shengshi Yuankai "Square, commemorating the eight junior scholars in the Chongzhen Wuchen Section of Ming Chongzhen. They are also respected as" Chaozhou Eight Sages "... Ancient wells scattered all over the streets of the archway, evoking how much nostalgia in the distant travelers. The most talked about the well -known well, which has been spontaneously protected by the surrounding people. Now Qingquan is constantly, holding a well, and the strong hometown of hometown comes.

Ascend to the top of Jinshan in the north of the city, Han Mountain is fun in the east, the lakes and mountains on the west side are beautiful, the north Phoenix Mountain is upright, the south street is vertical and horizontal, and Hanshui is surrounded by Hanshui. Good mountains and rivers, gathered for thousands of years of aura in the ancient city, and raised children of Chaozhou for generations.

What's more precious is that the ancient city of Chaozhou has maintained the neighborhood pattern of the Song Dynasty so far, which is a cultural heritage of deep texture.

Chen Xianwu introduced that, looking at the ancient city of Chaozhou, the north of the city is the Department of the Department, the south of the city is the residential area, the east of the city is the commercial district, and the west of the city is the handicraft industry and the civilian area. The characteristics of Dongcai, Xiding ". In the north and south, Taiping Road, 23 stone archway in the row, like a history of a Chaozhou civilization. The ancient buildings in the city have clear contexts from Tang to the Republic of China, all showing profound folk customs, reflecting exquisite and elegant cultural connotation.

"It is not enough to go to the tide, and it takes a lot of money; it does not reach the bridge to the bridge, and walk in vain." Regardless of cultural tourism or cultural relics, the ancient city of Chaozhou is a unique treasure.

Living ancient city tide spiritual homeland

、, Stove, righteousness, Xing, Jia, home, stone, Gu, Zheng, and 庵. This is the "Top Ten Famous Lanes" of the older generation of Chaozhou people, and it is the most representative traditional residential building complex of the ancient city of Chaozhou.

"Chaozhou, the palace starts." In the old streets and lanes that are criss -crossed by the ancient city of Chaozhou, all kinds of well -preserved ancient houses can be seen everywhere. The woodcarvings, painted, and building components were left behind during the Republic of China. Sigh. The most precious part of the ancient city lies in the strong atmosphere of life. This is not only a well -known tourist area, but also a real resident area. The residents in the old house are optimistic and calm, and they are cleaned up in the house. Many of them are descendants of the family, and the clan county is embedded on the door.

"Sit, eat tea." This is the most ears to visit the ancient city of Chaozhou, and it is also the mantra of the Chaozhou people. In every corner of the ancient city, you may encounter a work tea table at any time, and you will be enthusiastically greeting tea at any time. The extremely sophisticated time of work tea is the most unusual life content and the most sincere etiquette for the residents of the ancient city.

In recent years, Chaozhou Old Town Ancient House Building Group has been included in key cultural relics protection units in the country. With the improvement of the world's requirements for tourism quality, the human value of the ancient city of Chaozhou is gradually emerging.

Professor Chen Pingyuan said that Chaozhou was the ancient city of "living". He once said that the ancient city of Chaozhou can be preserved so completely, which is really not easy. Unlike some other places that have been completely commercialized and museums, Chaozhou is a "living" ancient city. The citizens are flat, daily and elegant. Life is the most vivid scenery of this ancient city. Chaozhou has not transformed into a pure tourist landscape, and the ancient city still takes the daily life of local residents. He believes that Chaozhou focuses on not specific non -heritage products or foods, but the ancient city as a lifestyle. If this, Chaozhou not only has meaning to Chao people, is attractive to tourists, but also contributes to human culture.

After the famous scholar Feng Jicai went to Chaozhou to investigate, he wrote in "Chaoshan Viewing Records": "The old city of Chaozhou is well preserved. Surprised. In the city, there is an ancient temple in the history of Chaozhou -the Kaiyuan Temple of the Tang Dynasty is still there, and the ancient bells can still sound; then, the Huanggong Temple, Xu Yanma Mansion, and Tianhou Palace are still all of me. Many places are already national security units. However, what makes me more concerned is that the fireworks in the world in the city that are reflected in the city of historical classics. Compared Ecology, the indigenous people live in the community that has been passed down from generation to generation ... "

Today, Chaozhou's economic and social development is developed at a high speed. The new city is prosperous, the car is full of vehicles, and the ancient city is still green brick and gray tiles, and the years are quiet. Just like a warm mansion, the family always maintains the original appearance, making the return of the return of the Youzi feel kind.

(Text/Chaozhou Daily Reporter Jiang Ma Duo Tu/Reporter Manor)

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