New members are here in the village

Author:茌 茌 媒 茌 茌 Time:2022.09.23

Wende New Village has a new member, and it is heavyweight!

However, these new members are not villagers, but 100 beef cattle from the northeast. "Although you are from the country, you are members of our village when you come to our village. Don't be polite, eat and drink well, how long." Early in the morning on September 20, Huang Shenglin, secretary of the party committee of Wende New Village, came to the farm Looking at these lively beef cattle, their eyes revealed their love. These beef cattle are only four or five months old. It is the age of lively and active. Seeing someone coming, they have reached their heads from the fence. A cow was close to Huang Shenglin, and Huang Shenglin squeezed its four or five fingers, and the cow did not avoid it, and seemed to be familiar. "Just count you clever." Huang Shenglin said like treating the child, and worshiping the breeders to feed these "children".

Wende New Village is located in Hongguantun Town, Pingping District, adjacent to Liao Xia Road, consisting of 7 natural villages. After the establishment of the new village, how to lead the villagers to increase their income has become a question of in -depth research on the leadership team of the new village. "New villages cannot stop in the form. We must have a new look and make a good article on promoting the increase in villagers." Said Pan Jinhong, secretary of the Party Committee of Hongguantun Town.

"Following farming." Huang Shenglin said that with the help of the town party committee, they determined the direction of development -development of the breeding industry, one is because of convenient transportation, close to the provincial road; Because of its superior geographical location, it is not far from Pingping City and Liaocheng City.

What to raise? Raising beef! "Beef beef feed has a high threshold. Our beef cattle enter the price of 12,000 yuan each, which is why there is no large -scale raising beef cattle in the surrounding areas." Huang Shenglin said that the cost is high to a certain extent. The Hongyan Leading Cooperative led by the Xincun Party Committee is willing to gather together.

The direction of development was determined, and the leadership of the new village took the villagers to inspect more places, and finally selected the Siemens beef cows cultivated by Jilin Province. On September 1st, the 100 beef cattle came from the northeast black land to Luxi yellow land. "The superior department gave us a lot of support." Huang Shenglin introduced. Han Yanfeng is the deputy secretary of the party committee of Hongguantun Town and a member of the CPPCC of Pingping District. In the process of looking for the project in the Wende New Village, he actively bridged the bridge, giving play to the advantages of the CPPCC members' wide connections, many connections, and wide channels, so that Huang Shenglin had less detours.

At 9:30 on September 20th, in the breeding workshop in the farm, members of Hongyan Leadership Cooperatives joined the signing ceremony. Liu Changshun in Hongtun Village carefully signed his name in the agreement. "Signing the agreement is like eating peace pills." Liu Changshun said. As one of the first batch of members of the shareholding, Liu Changshun was full of hope for the development of the cooperative: "Stable meat prices, more than a year of breeding cycle, and the lowest profit of each greeting is 5,000 yuan."

Next to the farm is a piece of cornfield that is about to usher in a bumper harvest, and corn straw can be used as a feed for beef beef. "We help the villagers collect corn for free, and the villagers sell corn straw to us. In this way, the villagers can save more than 100 yuan of labor costs per acre. These cows also have feed and can prevent straw burning. Say.

"Grass -roots party organizations and leading cooperatives are important measures to enhance the organization of rural grassroots party organizations and develop and expand the collective economy of the village. It can organically combine the political advantages of party organizations, organizational advantages, and the economic advantages of cooperatives to comprehensively stimulate rural revitalization internal motivation. . "Li Zehan, secretary of the party group and director of the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Pingping District.

The farm of Hongyan Lingyou Cooperative covers an area of ​​more than 40 acres, with a total investment of more than 3 million yuan. The introduction of these 100 beef cattle is just the opening work of the development of cooperatives. "We plan to raise a total of 1,000 beef cattle." Huang Shenglin introduced that in the future, they will also develop beef beef breeding and beef processing, creating the beef cattle breeding industry chain on this fertile soil.

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