Metro "cultural customers" were evaluated by Wuxi City Social Sciences Demonstration Base

Author:Express Wuxi Time:2022.09.23

Modern Express News (Reporter Chen Min) Recently, the "cultural guest" of Wuxi Metro has become the Demonstration Base of Wuxi Social Sciences. In recent years, Wuxi Metro Group and the Municipal Cultural Palace, Municipal Library, Municipal Cultural Federation and other units have actively explored, making full use of comfortable station spaces, integrating various cultural resources, and creating a comprehensive integration of cultural exchanges online to online citizens. Platform -Wuxi Metro "cultural guest".

In order to read and support, guide passengers and citizens to read reading

In December 2019, with the strong support of the Wuxi Federation of Trade Unions and the Municipal Library, the Wuxi Metro "Cultural Sending Space" project at the entrance of No. 4 of the People's Hospital Station of Metro Line 1 was officially established. The project upgrades the traditional "cultural living room" of the traditional "employee book house" into a self -service reading, leisure, cultural and creative, salons and other functions, and gradually revitalizes the city's "employee book house" resources to achieve reading and sharing, creating the city's employees "wisdom" wisdom "wisdom The "platform of the book city is the connection and sharing of the" employee book house "to promote the construction of the" employee book house "in the new era.

Since the formal operation of the "Cultural Guest", he has won the small micro -service project around the Wuxi Communist Youth League, the "Most Beautiful Public Cultural Space" in Jiangsu Province, the "National Workers' Book House Demonstration Point", the first prize of the quality project of the high -quality project of the grassroots union service employees in the province, etc. Honor title.

△ Wuxi Metro "Cultural Guest" at the entrance 4 of the People's Hospital Station of Metro Line 1

At present, citizens and passengers at the "cultural guest" reading space at the People's Hospital Station of Line 1 can realize the borrowing and repayment of the city's book and bookstore books through the self -help borrowing machine. Among them After interconnection, citizens can easily borrow through Alipay credit points, which is extremely cost -effective.

Promote the promotion of literature, realize the normalization of cultural benefits to the people

In order to make full use of the national reading platform of the "cultural guest" of the subway, after the "cultural guest" reading space of the "cultural guest" of the People's Hospital Station of Line 1, Wuxi Metro and Wuxi Cultural Federation in Wuxi City Create a series of activities such as the "cultural guest" art space and organized a series of activities such as the A Bing impression · theme sculpture exhibition, the joint exhibition of erhu art works. Can watch local art works, cultivate subway cultural genes, and feel urban humanistic care.

△ Create the "cultural guest" art space on Metro Line 4, organize A Bing impression · theme sculpture exhibition, erhu art work joint exhibition and other activities

In the future, Wudu Road Station of Metro Line 4 will focus on creating the "cultural guest" art -enjoyment space theme station. Cultural dialogue and communication "salon center". Soon after, Wudu Road Station Art Enjoyment Space will launch a long picture of digital art, condensing Wuxi's prosperity and inheritance epitome of 30 meters long, waiting for passengers to watch and interact.

△ Wudu Road Station Art Enjoyment Space will launch a long picture of digital art, condensing the prosperity and inheritance of Wuxi on the large screen of 30 meters long (effect chart)

"Wuxi Metro will jointly carry out theme cultural activities with Wuxi Cultural Federation, Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Art College, and Social Culture and Art Institutions, create a strong cultural and artistic atmosphere in the subway, enrich the cultural and artistic life of Wuxi citizens, allow citizens to enjoy Convenient transportation can also feel the artistic charm of Wuxi urban culture. "The person in charge of the cultural customer project said.

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