Ministry of Water Resources: The Pearl River Basin Beijiang may occur on June 22

Author:Global Times Time:2022.06.22

The Ministry of Water Resources will discuss the deployment of the Beijing River Basin Beijiang and Xijiang Flood Defense Work

On June 21st, Li Guoying, deputy commander of the National Defense General Defense and Minister of Water Resources, once again presided over the Flood Control Subjects. The video connecting the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, the Water Resources Department and the Pearl River Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Water Conservancy to analyze and judge the rain and flood conditions of the Pearl River Basin , Study and deployment of the flood defense work of Beijiang and Xijiang. Li Guoying emphasized that it is necessary to take the goal of "no casualties, reservoirs do not collapse, north Jiangxi Jiangsan embankment, and the Pearl River Delta urban agglomerations are not submerged." Copy work. Liu Weiping, deputy minister of the Ministry of Water Resources, and Sun Zhiyang, deputy governor of Guangdong Province, participated in the conferences in Beijing and Guangzhou.

Li Guoying pointed out that the current water level in the Xijiang and Beijiang of the Pearl River Basin continues to rise, and the prediction of the Beijiang may occur on June 22. The flood of the Xijiang No. 4 is under evolution, and there will be heavy rainfall in the upper reaches of the Xijiang from June 27th to 29th. It is possible to form a new round of floods, and the Flood prevention situation in the Pearl River Basin is complicated and severe.

Li Guoying requested that Xijiang should continue to scientifically and finely dispatch the dry tributary reservoir group floods and peak peaks, especially accurately dispatching the Dato Gorge Water Conservancy Hub, make good use of each cubic meter of reservoir, and resolutely avoid the encounter of the Xijiang and Beijiang Hongfeng. A new round of rain and flooding process that may occur, make preparations for reservoir regulation in advance. Beijiang should give full play to the role of the flood prevention engineering system in the basin, and jointly use river and embankment, reservoir, flood stagnation area, and give full play to the role of the upstream tributary Lechang Gorge and the Bayou Reservoir to stop the flooding. Under the premise of drowning losses and the safety of the project itself, a fine scheduling, one cubic meter of library capacity, and one centimeter of water level are achieved to give full play to its regulation function; Effectively reduce the flood peaks; timely enable the flood channels of reeds and southwest to effectively reduce the pressure of flood in the Beijiang embankment. It is necessary to strengthen the defense of the Xijiang and Beijiang embankment, and the front flood control teams, materials, and measures, and resolutely achieve early grabbing, small, and robbing to ensure that the embankment is absolutely safe. It is necessary to effectively grasp the defense of the flood disaster, make a detailed defense plan, issue early warning, and transfer the risk in time, so that they should be withdrawn, the withdrawal must be withdrawn, and the early withdrawal of the transfer should be strengthened. life safety. It is necessary to directly implement the "three responsible persons" in the reservoir flood prevention information, and implement the reservoir one by one one by one. In particular, the small reservoir and the diseased reservoir should be implemented one by one to ensure that the reservoir does not collapse. The above deployment should act immediately to ensure that the preparations of the preparations and the evolution of the flood evolution.

Source: Ministry of Water Resources website

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