Minsheng has no small things, branches and leaves, always cared for | small points, big peace volunteer service are even more shining

Author:Tongchuan Daily Time:2022.09.23

Small points Big Ping An Volunteer Service even shines

Our reporter Guo Ying Correspondent Zhang Xianglin

Ping An volunteers in the liberated community are issuing a security knowledge brochure to residents

Recently, in the liberation community of Yong'an Road Street, Yong'an District, Ping An Volunteers can always be seen. They walk every day in the streets and alleys of the community. Parameters of safety hazards in the alley, and patiently and meticulously mediate various contradictions and disputes.

"Volunteers are enthusiastic about walking on the streets, patrolling, and resolving disputes, and they will rush to do it." Said Liu Ying, Ping An volunteer Liu Ying.

Why is everyone's enthusiasm so high? This is related to the promotion of safety construction in Yaozhou District and the "integral system" of municipal social governance.

The Ping An Volunteer in Yaozhou District is the indispensable part of various types of contradictions and disputes in the mediation area. In order to further stimulate the enthusiasm of Ping An Volunteer, Yaozhou District has established 4 Ping An Volunteer Service Station in the Jiefang Community, Huayuan Community, Cui Xing Village, and Maji Village. The "small points" of Ping An Volunteer brought together the "big peace" of social governance in the region.

Since the implementation of Ping An Construction and the Municipal Social Governance Points System, the "points system" has been integrated into the "three -three mediation system" of daily work, and throughout the responsibilities, tasks, and points on all volunteers, let the daily rows detect the daily ranking detection. The contradictions and disputes do not go out of the grid, and the community cannot be released.

"Since the self -community Ping An Yaozhou Volunteer Service Station has implemented the points exchange system, my daily promotion, inspection of flood prevention, contradictions and disputes can be used for points. I have improved the enthusiasm of work. In my future work, I will continue to do my job. "Liu Ying said.

Cui Xingcun also introduced the "points system" into rural governance. Based on party building and governance governance, it improved the integration incentive system, so that the grid staff should be a good policy propagandist, contradiction resolution, public security prevention and control officer, etc. The big member has achieved the social governance goals of "small grids, big actions".

It is reported that Yaozhou District explores the promotion of Ping An construction and the "points system" of the city's social governance. Human Ping An Volunteer Team. At present, the association has 4 Ping An Volunteer Service Station. Under the existing grid management framework, the "integral system" management is carried out to effectively encourage volunteers to actively participate in various volunteer services and assist relevant departments to do a good job of assistance education for key groups Use the visible "small points" to promote the extensive participation of the "Eight Creation" of Ping An Yaozhou.

"Through the use of points results, the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in the management of the integral system effectively is effectively stimulated, forming a leading and competitive pattern of mutual help and mutual competition. In the next step, we will continue to promote the construction of the village (community) Ping An Volunteer Service Station. The most prominent contradictions and problems are included in the integration projects, focusing on solving practical problems that need to be solved in social governance, and form a strong atmosphere for everyone to participate in safety construction. "

Yaozhou District also prints the "Star -level" Ping An Volunteer Selection Measures "to integrate various grid management resources in the area, refine social governance matters, and realize people, local, affairs, things, love, and organizations. Full factor grid management. Adhere to the residents' "asking questions", the Grid Branch "open the list", and the grid staff "run back to visit", and use the "participation" of volunteers and the masses in the grid to promote the full coverage of the party's organization and serve the "zero distance". , A closed -loop service formed a problem solving.

"In the future, the Political and Legal Committee of the District Party Committee will further strengthen the guidance and support of the District Comprehensive Governance Center and the Ping An Volunteer Association, organize the vast number of Ping An volunteers to participate in Ping An volunteer service and grass -roots social governance, and strive to achieve 'small points gather large energy, small points Leveraging the governance, the small points are integrated into the large grid, and the small accumulation has promoted Ping An ', contributing to the construction of a higher level of Ping An Yaozhou, "said Ma Jun, deputy secretary of the District Party Committee Political and Legal Committee.

Nowadays, in the safety construction and municipal social governance of Yaozhou District, the competition is dominant. Through the implementation of the integration system, volunteer services have become more standardized and refined, and the participation rate of residents has also greatly improved.

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