Jiangsu Sihongjie Collection Town: negotiate negotiation and consensus consensus to move the customs and trees

Author:Consumer Daily Time:2022.09.22

In order to further improve the level of rural civilization construction, solve the problem of pain points such as rural wind and vulgarity, many people's relationships, and heavy burdens, and the pain points of people's livelihood and other people's livelihood. Recently, the party branch of the Waki ​​Temple community in the Jorde Town of Sihong County, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province organized the "moving the customs and customs" topics. The villagers' council brings together the opinions of the masses to customize the "village regulations", update the ideas of villagers, promote the change of customs, advocate a new style of civilization, and help rural revitalization.

"Discussion" out of the civilized native style

"When the old man was alive, we had to be filial piety and responsibility, so that they had something to do, supported, and happy. The old man died, and the funeral must be simplified. Don't compare each other ..." " Marriage is a big event in life and is worth celebrating, but you can't do it. Do not get invitations. You should control the number of tables and banquets that you should be involved and refuse to waste it ... "He Bingzheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Wa Temple Community, He Bingzheng and He Bingzheng and the Party Committee More than 50 villagers represent a warm discussion on how to break the rural areas. At this meeting, a red and white council hall was built in the jurisdiction to host the red and white banquet, formulated and implemented relevant regulations and regulations, and on the basis of fully considering the village sentiment, Wait for restrictions to prevent the comparison atmosphere among villagers, reduce waste of property, and reduce the human burden of residents in the village.

"It's too serious to waste it now." Wu Fengxia, residents of the Watmiao community, said that with the improvement of rural living standards, the lives of villagers are getting more and more solid. For some ordinary people, this is undoubtedly a small expenditure, and it is far from the diligence and virtues advocated by the country. "It's good to build the Red and White Division Hall. There are places in each family. You don't have to set up a shed everywhere. The cost is not low. I heard that everything is ready in the council hall. Save it, and can reduce comparison. "Wu Fengxia said.

"Comment" out of a civilized family

"Zhao Yiqing, a group of Zhao Yimiao community, scored 10 points in two days to participate in the community obligations, and helped the village's contradictions to adjust 10 points. At the scene, Chen Menghang, a staff member of the points system evaluation group, announced the points of the villagers this year. The villagers sat on the chair to hold the bonus bank passbook, carefully calculated the accumulated points of the points this year, and found the cause of the loss. He Bing, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Watmiao Community, summarized the deployment of the integration system this year while redeeming the prizes for villagers, and further inspired the masses to actively participate in the enthusiasm of community governance.

Since the beginning of this year, the Watmiao Community has actively constructed the "Red Ying Donghu Three Lives and Three Lives" happy communities. Small points leve up the wisdom of civilization, and set up community party members' points cards and community resident points card management systems, which reflect the leading role of party members. Improve the enthusiasm of community residents to participate in community governance; the top 5 publicity lists are publicized each month, and 5 "quarter -quarter stars" are selected each quarter, and a star -teaching ceremony is held to commend the villagers. "The strong atmosphere has promoted the community governance work of the Watmiao community to a new level.

"Push" out of a civilized atmosphere

In order to advocate the new style of human affairs, "9", promote the new style of civilization, advocate the burden of human sentiment, and ensure that the new wind of human sentiment is blowing into millions of households. Volunteers in Jiejizhen walked into the residents, villagers, and merchants in the community, and in -depth publicity of the new style of human affairs. Reduce the burden of humanity, make people feel new, and practice a healthy and civilized lifestyle.

At the end of the event, the Watmiao Community also held a civilized city to create a literary and artistic show. It used the allegro to play the rural civilization, showing a happy life with songs and dances, and was well received by the audience at the scene.

In recent years, the villages and villages of the Jieji Town have paid an eye on the construction of the township style and civilization. Through the convening of the villagers' councils, the distance between the party members and cadres and the masses is closer. In this way, make good use of the "Red and White Council", actively guide the villagers to eliminate the rules and bad habits, promote social new style, cultivate civilized villages, improve rural governance, and help promote rural revitalization. (Li Qiqi)

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