There are me in the war "epidemic", and the soil is responsible for keeping the soil

Author:People's Public Security Univ Time:2022.06.22

Party Committee Propaganda Department

Produced by "Public Officer WeChat"

Entering the period of closed management of campus, in order to maintain the normal order of studying and living in students, according to the requirements of the party committee of the school, the party organizations of the schools are loyal, faithfully perform their duties, and fight continuously. , Carry the mission of the epidemic prevention and control. The prevention and control of the epidemic focuses on coordinating. The key is to implement it.

Today, let's get closer to the most beautiful guardians in the front line of the epidemic!

When the "epidemic" is in progress

The dormitory building where people come and go

You can always see the figure of them seriously eliminated

In the silence, it brings us a real sense of security

Nearly 10,000 campus

Ten tons of domestic garbage daily

They stick at high temperature

Carrying the hot sun

Put up the daily cleaning of campus with the arm

Bright glass

Smooth floor

Can't do without the obscure dedication and dedication of Cleaning Aunt

Keep the door of campus

It is the first line of defense of closed management

Check, patrol, and be on duty

What is needed is the sense of responsibility and execution

The voice of "epidemic"

Deputy Dean of the School Hospital

Zhao Yanhua

The overall situation of serving the school's epidemic prevention is an important job responsibility of the school hospital. We must also do a good job of daily medical protection for teachers and students. Some colleagues come from double police families, soldiers, and children of colleagues to participate in the college entrance examination and middle school entrance examination this year, but we adhere to the front line from the period of closed management. I hope that we will work together and work together to woven the epidemic prevention "net" more and more firmly!

Deputy Director of Logistics Management Office Food Center

Liu Yewu

In order to meet the needs of teachers and students in the summer, the school has launched a cheap fruit for everyone to buy. With the rise of the weather, considering the diversity of students' needs, everyone is welcome to organize the group purchase needs of fruit group purchase. Each cafeteria has group purchase hotlines. We provide purchasing services for students without compensation. Due to the increase in fruit and vegetable procurement during the closed management period, the number of group purchases is more convenient for organizational arrangements.


Zhang Xiu

I am engaged in campus security work. As a party member, I must be on the front line of resistance and contribute to the health and safety of teachers and students in schools. It is hoped that students will continue to strictly abide by the school's epidemic prevention system. Do not handle the items, takeaway, etc. of outside schools across the school fence, and prevent the risk of virus input.

Public area of ​​the group area to disinfect staff

Zhao Quanyou

The daily work scope of our disinfecting is the dormitory building of each student, mainly in public areas, such as corridors, stairs, bathrooms and police space. Through the two daily disinfecting work, we strive to provide a clean and hygienic environment for teachers and students of the school. As a veteran, I am willing to give up the small family for everyone to help resist the overall situation with actual actions.

Waste clearance staff of the delegation area

Dong Changwei

My daily garbage transfer work mainly includes two parts: kitchen waste in the cafeteria and domestic garbage in the dormitory building. The daily workload is not small. Before and after garbage transfer, two thorough disinfecting of the trash can and the surrounding areas. After many students packed back to the dormitory from the cafeteria, they took the initiative to pack the lunch box and other garbage to help me reduce the workload. thank you all! At present, we do our job well to contribute to the school.


No one does not love the warmth of the family

But because of being needed

They are not involved in the armor of armor

Do your best to ensure students' daily learning and life

The epidemic ruthless lovers have love in the world

Thanks to each epidemic logistical support worker

Thank you for your "epidemic"

Thank you for your "epidemic" forward

Interview | Chang Yi Yang Jiaqi

Writing | Yang Jiaqi Zheng Zexuan

Edit | Ye Zhuoyao

Film and Television | Hao Shixuan Du Yi Jin An Xuexue Liu Tianxing

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