"Epidemic Prevention" in the nucleic acid detection laboratory day and night

Author:Healthy Central Plains Time:2022.09.22

In order to accelerate the speed of the detection of the new crown virus nucleic acid, in March of this year, the Jiaozuo Urban and Rural Integrated Demonstration Zone Health Commission's Card Cars nucleic acid laboratory was officially completed and put into use. Set in the square cabin and PCR laboratory respectively, running on the "front" behind the scenes, running with time, and the "mines" hidden viruses for the health of the people.

Taco -tacit professionalism, cursing against time. Where did your nucleic acid sample go? How did the test results come? This year, this is a common concern for many people. In fact, when you open your mouth to the medical staff to make a nucleic acid sample, the entire nucleic acid testing process has begun. The collected specimen was first transferred from the collection of medical personnel and transshipment personnel to transfer to the square and PCR laboratory. The more than 20 specimens were received and information entry. The specimen is transferred to the laboratory uniformly, and then the inspectors have begun to prepare reagents, nuclear collection specimens, specimen samples, nucleic acid extraction, nucleic acid amplification, interpretation results ... With tacit understanding, everyone is fighting for the last word "negative".

The day and night are upside down, fighting day and night, just to give you a "healthy green". For our lovely inspectors, the increase in the work of multiple multiples is a "inspection" for them. It seems not enough 24 hours a day. Complaints; continuously operating the testing equipment overnight, and holding your teeth to keep your teeth, in order to make the test results faster and faster.

"After coming out of the laboratory that is unprepared, sometimes I will have an illusion, thinking that it is during the day, but the result is the night, thinking that the outside is dark and silent, but the result is clear the sky ..." Our inspector described The state of work on my day and night. Facing the danger again and again, challenging the limits of the body again and again, they did not shrink back, and they still moved forward, and strived to perform the duties of "thunder".

In the face of the epidemic, each front is writing courageous stories, and every medical staff who stick to it has a admirable spirit. They inspire us to move towards the light, and the test person is one of the light beams that illuminate the night, and it is also an important buckle in many epidemic prevention and control links. Their work is accompanied by the sun and the moon, with the stars, supports the tired body with faith, and uses action to interpret the determination of resistance.

At this time, we can turn on the mobile phone and select the results of the nucleic acid detection results. When we see the "negative" results again, let us pay tribute to the medical staff who are silent behind this result and fighting day and night!

Author: Jiaozuo City Urban and Rural Integration Association Demonstration District Health Commission Li Yafen

Edit: Wang Pengfei

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