Caring for 10 million patients with Alzheimer's disease in my country will further strengthen early screening intervention

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.09.21

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 21 (Reporter Dong Ruifeng) September 21 is the World of Alzheimer's disease. The reporter learned from the National Health Commission that during the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, my country will further strengthen the early screening, intervention, classification management and health guidance of Alzheimer's disease.

As the most important type of Alzheimer's dementia, Alzheimer's disease is a nervous system degenerative disease. The cause is still unclear. It is manifested as a loss of memory, unsatisfactory words, confusion in thinking, decreased judgment, etc. Character changes, etc.

According to Wang Haidong, the director of the Department of Old Health and Health of the National Health and Health Commission, about 10 million Alzheimer's disease patients 60 and above in my country. The health promotion action of health China will set up the "growth rate of the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease in the age of 65 and above" to one of the result indicators. In combination with actual development of the elderly's cognitive function, the elderly who are abnormal in the initial screening results guide them to the higher -level medical and health institutions for review.

Print and distribute the core information of Alzheimer's disease prevention intervention, compile the core tips of family care, actively carry out prevention of science popularization education, guide the development of the yellow bracelet public welfare operation to prevent the elderly's loss ... According to reports, in recent years, the National Health and Health Commission has organized 15 provinces to carry out The elderly disabled (dementia) prevention and intervention pilot work, launched the implementation of the psychological care project of the elderly in 1672 urban and rural communities across the country, provided psychological and cognitive status for 580,000 elderly people, and conducted classified intervention and referral services.

"Do a good job of preventing and intervention in Alzheimer's disease, reducing the incidence of diseases, and delaying the progress of the disease. It is to improve the health level of the elderly and reduce the most economical and effective measures for care." Member Zhang Hui said that more social organizations and volunteers can actively participate in the care of the elderly and families who care for Alzheimer's disease, reduce social discrimination, and prevent the loss of the elderly. At the same time, the majority of elderly people must be the first responsible person of their own health, actively study health knowledge, and maintain physical function.

[Editor in charge: Zhou Chuqing]

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