"Three -color" Great Foreign Different Butterfly Change Step Modernization New Journey

Author:Zhejiang Online Time:2022.09.21

The power of gratitude for the past ten years is special planning ③

Photo by Zheng Jiaxin, a reporter from Zhejiang Online, Da Chen Island Landscape

Zhejiang Online Reporter Zhang Xiao Zheng Jiaxin from Taizhou

In the early morning, the Taizhou Maritime Passenger Transport Center was crowded. With the long sound of the whistle, Zhejiang Online reporter drove out of the peppers and proceeded to the southeast. Two hours later, the big Chen Island, which is integrated with the mountains and the trees, came into view.

"When we boarded the island in 1956, it was full of sores and no one. Now Dachen Island is new and vibrant." Zhang Qiyuan, a member of the old reclamation wasteland, told Zhejiang online reporters that Dachen Island was a place where they had been youth and blood. Chen Dao's great changes were proud.

More than 60 years have passed. Today, there are more Dachen Island boats and roads. Residents on the island have drank rest assured water, used Changming Dian, connected to 5G nets, ate tourist meals, sat on free New Energy Bus has realized the wisdom pension and remote medical treatment at the door ... from the past "desolate islands" to today's "East China Pearl", Dachen Island is the new butterfly change in the entire region, and the new island construction of modern islands. The journey.

Da Chen Island Reclamation Monument to Zhejiang Online Reporter Yang Shuo

Red Da Chen: Inherit the spirit of reclamation and vigorously develop the red tourism industry

"In January 1956, 467 youth responded to the central call of the group, and she entered the island with blood. Here, they vowed solemnly, and waved the first hoe ..." Before the monument of the Dachen Island reclamation wasteland, the guide Kong Wenmin Zhengzheng Zhengzheng Zhengzheng He explained to several tourists from Wenzhou, and the eloquent narration has attracted a lot of tourists to stop and watch.

Following the explanation of Kong Wenmin's explanation, the eight characters of "hard entrepreneurial entrepreneurship and hard work" were engraved on the monument of the reclamation of the wasteland. Looking back, in the sea breeze hunting, the entire Dachen Island mountains and seas, and the water and sky, many tourists can't help but sigh for the island beauty.

The vitality of the island today is inseparable from the spirit of "hard work, hard work, selfless dedication, and pioneering innovation". "I came to Dachen Island for the first time. Before that, we learned about the experience of reclaiming the team members of the reclamation. The comparison of the past and the past has indeed changed a lot." A visitor said.

Kong Wenmin, 52, has been working as a tour guide since 2013, and he devoted himself to the job after retirement. As a native of Dachen Island, she witnessed the development of Dachen Island. The reclamation monument, the historical site of the Jiawu Rock War, the old site of the Qingdi Culture ... In recent years, Dachen Island has developed and built many "red" landmark projects around the theme elements of "reclamation". "In the past, there were scattered scattered guests on the island on weekends. Now I only receive one or two travel groups every day alone.

In recent years, Dachen Island has drove the development of the catering and homestay industry on the island through deep digging red resources. More and more fishermen on the islands have transferred to their business, and they have become a homestay or a boss of farmhouse ... realizing employment at the door of the house to become rich. At the end of 2020, the 60 well -off indicators of Dachen Island were fully completed, and the "well -off Da Chen" changed from vision to reality. It is understood that in 2021, Dachen Island received 150,000 tourists across the country, the starry farmhouses increased to 35, the total number of beds exceeded 1,400, the annual tourism revenue of tourism was 110 million yuan, and the town's per capita disposable income reached 59,000 yuan. With the thickness of history, the "spirit of reclamation" is becoming a new driving force that affects the revitalization of the island.

"If there is a country, we are here!" He pointed his fingers with yellow and black and white old photos. The 87 -year -old old reclamation player Zhang Qiyuan recalled the tears in the corner of his eyes. "'There are a hundred difficulties, overcome one hundred; there are a thousand difficulties, overcome one thousand', our batch of old reclamation wastes often hang this sentence on the mouth." Talking about Dachen Island now, Zhang Lao raised his sound and said excitedly: "The current Dachen Island is incredible.

Blue Da Chen: Carry out modern breeding comprehensive development of marine economy

At night, strolling on Meihua Bay Street in Dachen Island, the dried fish exuding the taste of the sea was exuding the taste of the sea. "The first thing to come to Dachen Island is to eat seafood, especially yellow croaker!" As soon as he met, Yan Chun, the secretary of the party branch of Shangda Chen Village, recommended to us Da Chen yellow croaker.

The Dachen Island Chicken Bottom Yellow Caille breeding base, not far from the coast, the fishing of a big yellow croaker is opening while the night is opened. As the fishing net pulls up, the golden yellow croaker with golden yellow croakers makes a "grunt" sound. The master of fish fish told us, "The yellow croaker must be carried out at night, because the big yellow croaker that is removed at night is yellow, and the day is white." The wild big yellow croaker was almost extinct because of excessive fishing. Dachen Island Yellow Fish was restarted on the dining table, focusing on green, ecological, and organic, and it became a national geographical indicator brand.

When the day the next day, come to the chicken cage on the boardwalk again, the whole picture of the breeding base is revealed: a steel pipe pile of a rock that hit the bottom of the sea is surrounded by copper nets, forming a "wall" on the sea. This is Dachen Island. For the sustainable development of the marine economy, it is the first large -scale copper enclosure breeding technology in the country.

Dachen Island's nation's first copper enclosure breeding technology Li Yanchao

"This method of breeding not only has stronger wind and wave ability, but also resistance to corrosion and antibacterial, which can effectively increase the survival rate of jarry." Chen Zhaide, head of the Xinglang Sea Water Breeding Professional Cooperative, said that a variety of marine small fish can enter through the holes. The web has become the natural bait of big yellow croakers, which is closer to the living environment of wild big yellow croakers. As the first batch of farms that have been enabled on the island to launch full -electricity aquaculture, the Xinglang Sea Aqua field has performed "one -stop" electrical transformation in the section of oxygen, processing, refrigeration, transportation, etc. to replace the original diesel power generation. The cost of electricity consumption has also greatly reduced pollution and improved water quality. "Fisheries are the pillar industries of Dachen Island. The first 70%of the people on the island rely on fishing." Yan Chun, as a fisherman, is not tall, dark skin, and talks. He said that due to excessive fishing, after the 1980s, the large yellow croaker was almost extinct. Wild yellow croaker became rare, less fish, and fishermen's income declined straight. "What we have to do is to guide fishermen to change their minds, take the initiative to seek change, and carry out artificial breeding is the protection of resources. Less fishing and less damage. From eating the sea to the sea of ​​love, we must go." Speaking of it Here, Yan Chuncai looked ahead firmly.

After 2000, after 2000, under the guidance of the government, the Dachen Island people began to actively change, reduce fishing, develop green breeding, and explored advanced environmental protection In the breeding method, the development form of the yellow croaker industry has changed a lot. With the joint efforts of the government and Dachen Island, Dachen Island currently cultivate 14 yellow croaker breeding enterprises, with a breeding scale of 2 million cubic meters of water, an annual breeding output of about 7,000 tons, and an output value of more than 800 million yuan. Taizhou's first marine pasture.

In recent years, Dachen Island has given full play to the advantages of marine resources, making big and "sea" articles, and comprehensively developed the energy industry represented by marine wind power, tidal energy, solar energy, etc., and expands marine transportation represented by port development and operation. In the transportation industry, "Eating the Sea by the Sea" has a new footnote.

Photo by Zheng Jiaxin, a reporter from Zhejiang online project in Shangda Chenfeng Power Project

Green Great Chen: Increase Green Electric Reconstruction to create a "carbon neutral" demonstration island

Going up the High Cennar Highway upwards, you can see the huge wind turbines on the top of the mountain rotating freely in the sea breeze. "Dachen Island has abundant wind and resources, and the 34 Typhoon power generation units on the island have an annual power generation of about 60 million kilowatt -hours." When he saw Wang Haiqiang, secretary of the party branch of Dachen Power Supply Institute, he was on Da Chen's inspection line. Due to the outdoor work of all year round , The wind blows the sun, 54 -year -old Wang Haiqiang looks older than the actual age. Wang Haiqiang said that except for self -sufficiency in windfall, excess electricity can supply land through submarine cables.

However, Dachen Island was troubled by "electricity difficulty". "Dachen Island started power in 1958. From then on the power supply every day from then to 1984, we have experienced 26 years. In 2009, the 35 -kilovolt Dalu Island Internet of China was launched. The island was on the island. Farewell to the era of diesel power generation. Two years ago, the island officially canceled the plan to stop the power ... "Speaking of the power story of Dachen Island, Wang Haiqiang is like a few treasures.

In addition, Wang Haiqiang is more proud. Today, the Qinghai Blue of Dachen Island, a row of row of ventilators to the wind, the sea breeze becomes "green electricity", and the green development concept has been further implemented. The full -power homestays, full -power breeding, full -power scenic spots, 100%full -power buses ... With sufficient power, the "full green" transformation of Dachen Island is pressed for fast -entry keys. At present, there is no fuel except for engineering vehicles on the island. The car will gradually promote the transformation of full electrification of the ferry.

Da Chen Island Hydrogen Energy Comprehensive Utilization Demonstration Engineering Panorama

It is worth mentioning that, as one of the first batch of low (zero) carbon pilots in Zhejiang in Taizhou, Dachen Island is trying to create a "carbon neutralization" demonstration island. It is reported that this year Dachen Island has promoted the "two nationwide" projects. On June 16, the country's first flexible low -frequency power transmission demonstration project, the State Grid of Taizhou, Zhejiang, Zhejiang, 35 kV flexible low -frequency power transmission demonstration projects, and for the first time to realize the direct delivery of clean energy reduction at sea, providing demonstration for the mid -to -long distance transportation of offshore wind power; On July 8th, the first island's "green hydrogen" demonstration project in the country was officially launched. The hydrogen obtained by reconciled water from renewable energy was used to achieve zero carbon dioxide emissions from the source.

With the river to the sea, the global butterfly changes. As the birthplace of the spirit of reclamation, Dachen Island followed the entrustment of the construction of "well -off Da Chen, modern Da Chen", and strode towards the goal of creating a national "modern island construction demonstration zone". From the red tourism industry to the blue marine economy to the green ecological pattern, the "three -color" Da Chen Zheng painted a new era of reclamation of a modern island.

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