Baichun Garden Primary School, Daxiang District, Shaoyang City, Hunan holds fire safety drills

Author:Shaoyang City Daily Time:2022.09.21

(Correspondent Zeng Jianhui Shen Chaohui) On the morning of September 21, Baichun Garden Elementary School of Daxiang District, Shaoyang City, Hunan held a fire safety emergency evacuation exercise. Get further improvement.

In order to implement this exercise, the school has formulated a detailed fire evacuation drill plan, which clearly stipulates the contents of the running routes of each class and the responsibilities of each class teacher, and the duty teacher on each floor.

Before the exercise, the head teachers introduced the simple precautions and methods of escape.

At 9:10 in the morning, with the sound of the alarm, the general commander of the school's emergency evacuation drill command issued the order of "a fire broke out in the teaching building, please the students to evacuate immediately". The teachers of each class quickly arrived at each class to assist teachers to organize students to evacuate together. Other teachers also rushed to the corner of the floor at the time to cooperate with the evacuation students. Under the command of the teachers, the students of each class bent down, cats, and covered their mouths and noses with handkerchiefs, towels, etc., and quickly moved along the designated staircase in the school. In 50 seconds, more than 2,000 teachers and students in the school were evacuated safely.

Subsequently, the Daxiang Fire Brigade's fire knowledge interpreter explained the use of fire extinguishers in detail to all teachers and students, and demonstrated on the spot. At the same time, some teachers and students were invited to experience the process of using fire extinguishers. Fire emergency evacuation drills were summarized, and the class that did a good job in the exercise activities was praised, and emphasized that once an emergency happened around me, it was necessary to be calmly responding, reporting a timely report and safe escape work. The basic methods of escape, self -rescue, and mutual rescue have effectively improved their ability to resist and respond to emergency emergencies.

The successful completion of this fire emergency evacuation exercise has raised the safety awareness of emergency escape, allowing students to truly grasp the basic essentials of self -rescue and self -rescue when encountering unexpected accidents, and achieve the purpose of predetermined.

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