College Tour | Meeting Environment to embrace dreams

Author:China University of Geoscience Time:2022.06.21

President a message

Shi Jianbo, Dean of the School of Environment

Enthusiastically welcome students who are interested in "harmony between man and nature" to apply for the School of Environment. Let's go hand in hand and contribute to the "Beautiful China Livable Earth" together!

Historical revolution

The School of Environment was established in June 2003. It was formerly known as the hydrogeological teaching and research room established by the Beijing Institute of Geology in 1952 (renamed the Department of Hydrogeological and Environmental Geology in 1993) and the Biology Teaching Group of the Paramgrars and Research Office established by the Wuhan Institute of Geology in 1975. There are currently available in the Department of Water Resources and Hydrological Geology, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Department of Biological Sciences, Department of Atmospheric Science, Experimental Teaching Center, Science and Technology Innovation Center, College Office and Student Working Group. He is currently the secretary of the party committee Li Sujun, the dean Shi Jianbo.


The structure of the teachers is optimized, excellent, and excellent. There are 149 faculty employees, 53 professors, 69 associate professors, and 65 doctoral supervisors; 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 4 National Outstanding Youth Fund, and 5 national outstanding youth funds. The college focuses on the "four aspects" and takes the development of disciplines and majors as the main line, forming a high -level teacher team with water conservancy, biology, environment, and atmospheric disciplines that are characterized by groundwater and geological environment.

talent development

The quality of talent training has risen and the model is innovative. The college currently has 1031 undergraduate students and 1087 graduate students (including 73 foreign graduate students). There are five undergraduate majors: hydrological and water resources engineering, groundwater science and engineering, environmental engineering, biological science, and atmospheric science; three national first -class undergraduate majors in hydrology and water resources engineering, environmental engineering, groundwater science and engineering, hydrology, hydrology Certification with water resources engineering, groundwater science and engineering passed international engineering education.

Set up grass -roots teaching organizations in accordance with the "curriculum team, professional teaching and research room, research direction team, discipline innovation group", and classify the curriculum group in accordance with the "cutting -edge direction curriculum, the direction of the selection curriculum, the compound maintenance of the main repair and the maintenance of the main repair, The national teaching team (groundwater and environmental teaching team), a provincial -level grass -roots teaching organization (environmental and geological curriculum teaching and research room), 1 provincial teaching team (basic teaching team teaching team) and 1 provincial experimental teaching demonstration The center (groundwater and the environment of Hubei Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center), lead the construction of an environmental engineering major (geological and environmental direction) virtual teaching and research room. The implementation of the "Four Four Four Types" cross -disciplinary curriculum system and talent training model has realized the cluster of the generalization of general courses, professional basic courses, core courses, and elective courses. Excellent courses ("Groundwater Pollution and Prevention", "Groundwater Dynamics" and "Groundwater and Environment"), 3 provincial first -class courses ("Basics of Hydrogenics", "Environmental Geology" and "Wild Water -Containing Systems' non -stable non -stability "Well Stream Virtual Simulation Experiment"); formed a training model of penetrating, academic, applied and international types.

In recent years, the employment rate has been more than 90%, and the advancement rate of undergraduate graduates of 2022 is 64.17%. Among them, the undergraduate school undergraduate class in the first groundwater science and engineering class is 81.25%.

Through the "333" interdisciplinary platform and the "four -level experiment", students' practical and innovative ability and comprehensive quality have been significantly improved. The graduate students of the college publish more than 80 SCI retrieval papers each year. 14 papers were rated as an excellent doctoral dissertation in Hubei Province, and 15 papers were rated as an excellent master's degree in Hubei Province. 33 people were funded by the State Fund Commission for joint training. Apply for 63 invention patents and 99 practical new patents. Formation of water -soil -qi -raw -ring -cross -disciplinary paradigm. "Internet+" and other competitions have won more than 20 national rewards. The new era of educating people in the new era of "six red, six specialty, six energy, and six hearts, and created the" 1+6 "asset -political and educated carrier and the beautiful China" 4+N "environmental earth scientific curriculum ideological and political system. It has developed a "four -dimensional classroom" collaborative education model based on traditional classrooms, communities and competitions, internship practices, and online teaching. Unity.

Scientific and technological innovation

Scientific and technological innovation and platform construction have achieved remarkable results. The college participates in the construction of the State Key Laboratory of Biological Geology and Environmental Geology as the main force; and has the key laboratory of national environmental protection water pollution traceability and management control, the Yangtze River Basin Environmental Water Science Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory, the Geological Environmental Repairing Technology Innovation of the Ministry of Natural Resources Center, Hubei Province Water Environmental Pollution System Control and Governance Engineering Technology Research Center, Hubei Provincial Underground Water Repair Technology Transformation Base, the soil pollution status of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment The Bureau of Extreme Weather Climate and Hydrological Geological Disaster Research Center, Hubei Province Air Pollution Composite Research Center, Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of High -Cold Drought Geological Environmental Repair Engineering Technology Innovation Center, Wetland Evolution and Ecology Restore Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory, Ministry of Natural Resources Mine Ecology Effects and system repair key laboratories and other scientific research platforms; have a hydrological, water resources survey evaluation and evaluation of the Ministry of Water Resources, and the environmental impact assessment of the Ministry of Ecological and Environment. One innovative research group of hydrogeology "fund committee.

Discipline system

The disciplinary system is optimized. The college existing three doctoral mobility stations: environmental science and engineering, geological (co -construction), geological resources and geological engineering (co -construction); two first -level discipline doctoral points in environmental science and engineering, water conservancy engineering, hydrogeology (groundwater (groundwater Science and engineering) secondary discipline doctoral points; there are four first -level disciplines: environmental science and engineering, water conservancy engineering, biology and atmospheric science, as well as two professional degree points: resource and environment, civilian water conservancy. Among them, hydrogenics belong to the second -level disciplines of national first -level disciplines. Environmental science and engineering and water conservancy projects are key disciplines in Hubei Province.

Scientific research

Scientific research focuses on the "four aspects", and the level is constantly rising. The college adheres to the principles of international cutting -edge and national demand goals, the principles of basic research and application research, actively carry out scientific research, and strive to improve the awareness and ability to serve the country's goals. During the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" period, Professor Wang Yanxin was elected academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The college has obtained 9 major national science and technology projects, 9 national key R & D projects and projects, 97 National Natural Science Foundation, 2 National Excellent Youth Science Fund, and 2 national geological survey projects. 21, published 938 papers of SCI.

International exchange

International exchanges and cooperation have been steadily promoted, social cooperation is widened, and service quality is improved. Relying on international cooperation projects such as the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Ministry of Education, it has established a stable international cooperation relationship with well -known universities and scientific research institutions in more than 20 countries and regions such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and Russia. During the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" period, the college joined China South -South Cooperation Network and joined the International University Climate Alliance. He has held 5 large international academic conferences. With the Shanxi Provincial Government, Guangdong, Shaanxi, Gansu, Hunan, Shanxi, Henan, Guizhou and other provincial and mining departments, the Institute of Urban Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Guangzhou Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Earth Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Geomics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hubei Province Ecology The Environment Department, China Institute of Meteorological Sciences, China Geological Mining Co., Ltd., China Gezhouba Group Tax Operation Co., Ltd., etc. have established a cooperative relationship between industry -university -research and research. Establish the first provincial school cooperation think tank demonstration base with Jincheng City, Shanxi Province.

Party building

The effectiveness of the party building ideological and political has achieved remarkable results, and it is played by leading guarantee functions. In 2006, the college party committee was rated as "Advanced Grassroots Party Organization of Universities" by Hubei Province in 2006, in 2009 by the Hubei Provincial Party Committee Working Committee as "Advanced Grassroots Unit of College Students and Political Education", and was rated as "ordinary colleges and universities for general colleges and universities in Hubei Provincial Education Department. Student Sunshine Sports Advanced Grassroots Unit ", was named the advanced unit of the" Two Visits, Two Visits and Two "activities by the Hubei Provincial Party Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and the Hubei Provincial Department of Education. The first batch of "Three All-Education" comprehensive reform pilot colleges, 2019 college party committees were selected as the second batch of national party building work benchmarking colleges, and in 2021, the college party committee "Injects Red Gene Soul Casting Education" was selected as 2019-2020 Hubei Province Ten Cases of the Great Party Building (the only one in Hubei University), the party branch of the "Zhang Guoqi Class" of the college in 2022 was selected as the third batch of "National Party Construction Works Branch".

Student activity photo collection


Zhang Guoqi class


Volunteer service and extra -curricular life


Sports event

Photo | School of Environment

WeChat editor | Xu Ke Zheng Tingli

Review | Wei Haiyong Wang Junfang

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