[Hundred Days of Tackling] Caoxi District: The city's 100 -day tackling major infrastructure project Wangzhuang to Dongshan Road Project fully realizes net land delivery

Author:Silla District Rong Media Cent Time:2022.09.20

On September 20th, Caoxi District organized relevant departments to protect the demolition of about 1,800 square meters of shops from Wangzhuang to Dongshan Road Engineering Project. construction. Yan Chenglong, deputy secretary of the district committee and commander of the Caoxi area, came to guide.

Wangzhuang to Dongshan Road Engineering Project is one of the major infrastructure projects of Longyan City. As a connection line of National Highway 319 and National Highway 358, this project will further optimize the structure of Dongshan section road network and improve the transportation environment It is of great significance to ease the pressure of transit traffic in Dongshan area.

The Wangzhuang to Dongshan Road Project was launched on June 15, 2022, involving Dongbang Village, Dongshan Village, Wangzhuang Village, and Pitto Village, Caoxi Street, which involved a total of 27 households of 27 households and a land acquisition of 218.37 acres. Since the "Hundred Days of Tackling" operation in the city's key projects, the headquarters of the Caoxi area has fully implemented the "foot plate work method" and "project work method". Difficulties in the arrival, multi -party coordination promotes the land use of the China Resources Cement Plant within the scope of the project collection, and actively cooperates with the project owner to make a good use of land and use forests. Finally, the land and house signing tasks were completed on August 30th. The government's levy target task was 2 months in advance. Following the completion of the signing task, the headquarters of the area also organized various tackling teams to riven their feet, and in a continuous combat method, the house and demolition time node was pushed to the house, and the demolition work was fully promoted. The project is delivered.

△ Before the road from Wangzhuang to Dongshan

△ After the road from Wangzhuang to Dongshan is demolished

Next, Caoxi District will continue to carry forward the work style of "rushing", focusing on key projects such as Longgang Living Area, Lanyuan Community, and Caici Tree Area. Resolutely fight for the 100 -day tackling battle of key projects, and present the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results.


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