Let the community positions rejuvenate

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.09.20

China Well -off Network Exclusive Specialty

Text | "Well -off" · China Well -off reporter Zhao Dina

Taking the community as the home, the thought of the masses, the urgency of the masses, and the distress of the masses, the community workers as an important force of grass -roots social governance played an increasingly important role.

Photography/Ning Ying

Professional teams build a professional and professional community work team to make it sufficient, reasonable structure, high quality, business proficiency, and service in place, which will provide a strong guarantee for better serving economic and social reform and development. Photography/Ning Ying

Publicity prevention and control publicity, community health service stations on duty standing, propaganda and download of anti -fraud apps, civilized transportation duty, public welfare activities, conflict mediation in grids, security checks in community courtyards ... For community workers, the above, above, above, above, above, above, above, above, above, above Seemingly trivial and inconspicuous work content is almost all daily life of their year. Taking the community as the home, the thought of the masses, the urgency of the masses, and the distress of the masses, the community workers as an important force of grass -roots social governance played an increasingly important role.

The process of urbanization is continuously accelerated, the focus of urban management has gradually shifted towards the grassroots, and the people's demand for social service needs and new expectations for a better life ... These have put forward new requirements and in the construction of social work talents. Task. The construction of a professional and professional community work team to make it sufficient, reasonable structure, high quality, proficient in business, and service, which will provide a strong guarantee for better serving economic and social reform and development.

"The Road to Construction" is full of flowers

"There are 80 people who recruit social workers in the district, and more than 3,800 people register, the proportion reaches 47: 1, the competition is very fierce, it is not easy to be admitted to the admission!" When reporting to the Yuguang community in Chaoyang District, it was true. At the same time, it confirms that young people have a subtle change in the understanding of community work. In addition, the state, provincial and cities, etc. have issued a number of favorable regulations for community workers, so that in the past The posts that have not developed "have glowed with new vitality.

Beginning in June 2017, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council began to focus on emphasizing the team's team of community workers, incorporating the work of building community workers into the development of local talents. The situation to formulate the management methods of community workers. The "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Strengthening the Modernization of the Government Governance System and Governance Capacity" also proposed that the construction of grass -roots governance teams was also proposed. Enrich the governance of the grass -roots governance of the backbone and strengthen the construction of the grass -roots party workers. It is necessary to formulate training plans, explore the establishment of a level of training system for grass -roots cadres, build a good use of urban and rural grassroots cadre training bases and online training platforms, and strengthen the training of grassroots governance talents. At the same time, improve the professional system of community workers, establish a job salary system and improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism, implement social insurance benefits, and explore that the full -time grid personnel will be included in the management of community workers. Strengthen the construction of service talents in urban and rural communities, and guide college graduates to work in community work. The Ministry of Civil Affairs and other nine departments issued the "Opinions on Promoting the Construction of Smart Community" to strengthen the training of informatization skills of community workers, and guide graduates of informatization related majors in colleges and universities to employment and entrepreneurship in the construction of smart communities.

A series of top -level policy design that requires improvement of community workers 'professional systems, implementing community workers' treatment, and strengthening the capacity building of community workers, providing important institutional guarantees for strengthening the construction of community workers. Driven by this, various places have made efforts to build a professional system for community workers in an all -round way, so that community workers have their identities, treatment, and development.

Jilin Province has specially formulated the "Opinions on Further Strengthening the Construction of the Team of full -time workers in urban community community in the province", and implemented a distribution level for community workers, set up a "three post and 18 levels" grade sequence, and according to the working life and education level , Professional level, set up three types of posts of social workers, other members of the "two committees" and ordinary staff, implement compensation and benefits in accordance with 18 levels, establish a step -by -step promotion working mechanism to promote the professionalization of community workers.

In the process of promoting the professionalization of community work in Xiamen, Xiamen has expanded the professional promotion space of community workers, and established a community, deputy, full -time commission, and general community workers. The job salary increased with increasing job levels. Improve salary standards. Devit the minimum wage standard, add academic allowance, occupational allowance, and clarify reward performance such as the year -end comprehensive governance award and civilization award. Change the assessment method, carry out multiple assessments of community workers a year, and adopt quarterly and annual performance assessment to set up quarterly assessment awards and individual annual assessment awards.

Beijing Xicheng District actively creates a variety of exercise platforms to increase the support of social organizations, expand the scope of the government's purchase of social workers, carry out the training of social work professionals, and select and reward outstanding social work talents. And wish. At the same time, based on the "two committees" of the community, we actively promoted outstanding social workers to the positive and deputy positions of the community, and further optimized the structure of the community team; Exercise, further suppress the burden, give tasks, continuously enrich the grass -roots work experience, and strengthen the development of the talents of professional and social work.

Diversified cracking talent problems are the problems of cracking the team of community workers, the scientific nature of talent training, and the matching of community development. In 2018 Under the overall construction framework of the tree, based on full surveys, the East China University of Science and Technology launched the "Huangpu Plan". By introducing the most advanced grassroots governance theory and methods into courses, promoting community workers in the jurisdictions Development and successfully completed the training of 100 communities in the first round of the first round.

At the "Old Building Comprehensive Reconstruction Coordination Association" scenario simulation class, the students of the "Huangpu Plan" played the role of "residents", "residential cadres", "related functional departments" and "construction captain" and other roles. Female question: "Why did we notify us?" "Why should we endure noise and the inconvenience of the use of kitchen and bathroom?" "The relevant person in charge said that in the face of complicated community affairs and the needs of endless residents, the grass -roots first -line community workers not only need high overall coordination and coordination ability and related professional knowledge, but also need to have awareness of transposition. Cultivate students to analyze, think and solve problems from the perspective of the parties of the incident.

A few days ago, the Ministry of Civil Affairs announced the list of "Typical Cases of National Grassroots Governance Innovation in Grassroots Governance in 2021", and the case list of "Juggle Council of Professional and Professional Community Workers" in Lichun City, Jilin Province. Xichun City has set up 10 "social workers" positions in the community population of 3,000 households; those who exceed 3,000 households will have 1 "social workers" positions for every 500 households. After the establishment of the post, the number of academic qualifications and college degrees or above was increased by 10.4%and 9.1%respectively before the establishment. The average age was 36.8 years, a decrease of 3.7 years before the establishment, and achieved a "liter and one drop". At the same time, establish the standard line of 4,700 yuan per month for the "social worker post" of the 10th level of the official position. Increase 51.4%and enjoy the provident fund treatment.

A series of solid and effective measures to create a team of professional and professional community workers who meet the needs of grassroots governance in the new era, and continuously improve the level of urban and rural grassroots governance, enhancing the people's sense of gain, happiness, security, security, security, security, and security Essence Chen Yueliang, director of the grassroots regime construction and community governance department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, said, "" Over the local area actively implement the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, improve the policy system of the community workers' team construction, ensure the salary and benefits of community workers, and the national urban community workers are generally fulfilled. Some cities at or above the prefecture -level cities in some areas have clearly clarified the salary system and professional system of community workers. More than half of the monthly average monthly income of urban community workers above the city level reached the average monthly salary level or social average salary level of the employment staff of full -caliber urban units in the previous year. "He introduced that with the support of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Civil Affairs set up special commendations for community workers, and jointly carried out the" Most Beautiful Urban and Rural Community Workers "publicity and selection activities to jointly promote a number Advanced models for the people and dedicated to the people. "Community workers' professional identity and honor are also increasing." He also pointed out that "in recent years, some representative urban and rural community workers have become representatives of the People's Congress of the People's Congress, members of the CPPCC, and party representatives. The Seventh Medal ', the advanced individual of poverty alleviation, and the advanced individuals such as fighting the epidemic. In many commendations, community workers are important commendations. "

("Well -off" · China Well -off Exclusive Draft)

This article was published in "Well -off" in early September 2022

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