Sun picked flowers, criminal detention!

Author:Hebei Daily Time:2022.09.19

Not long ago

A woman in Beijing goes out to play

Pick a flower on the cliff


Criminal detention by the police! Intersection Intersection

Netizen: But it's too torture

what happened?

How can I be sentenced to punishment after picking a flower?

You understand after reading it!


some days ago

Sun Mou went to the Monutougou Mountain in Beijing to play

Then go to a cliff

I also picked a flower and took it home

After returning home

Sun Mou who took the flowers was very happy

I also took a picture and sent Weibo to show off with everyone


It's less than a day

This flower picked up by Sun was raised to death

Sun Mou hasn't had time to be sad

Here is the police who came to the door ...

turn out to be

This flower that Sun is picking is called 槭 槭 莲 莲

Is a national second -level protection plant

Sun Mou said

I have seen this plant before

They all grow very high

I found it at the low cliff this time

I picked one plant when I loved it, and planned to transplant home to raise

She didn't expect

Such behaviors will attract hot discussion among netizens

I didn't think of the next day, the police came to the door


Sun was suspected of harming the country's key protection plants

Has been detained by the police

Someone wants to ask

What exactly is this kind of 莲 这 这 这?

山 槭 槭 槭 槭, Fangshan Ziru, and Michigra are also known as "Three Cliff Wall". All three plants grow on the cliffs of Taihang Mountain.

Among them, the 铁 其 其 其 is harsh on the environment, so it is extremely rare, and is designated as a national second -level key protection wild plant because it is not easy to cultivate artificially. So far, no adult plants have been successfully cultivated.

Collection of national second -level wild protection plants, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Regulations on the Protection of Wild Plants of the People's Republic of China" and other laws, need to go to the relevant departments to apply for the collection certificate.

The unlicensed collection of wild -leaf iron wire is suspected of violating the laws and regulations such as the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China and the "Regulations on the Protection of Wild Plants of the People's Republic of China".


But Sun had regretted it ...

Knowing that this flower is very precious

Also depending on the law if there is nothing, do whatever you want

It's really angry!

Her encounter

Confirm the sentence again

Don't pick the wild flowers on the roadside!


Don't touch the flowers on the cliff!

A little more news

- END -

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