Lithuanian "blockade" Kalinrad, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: This is "public hostility", Russia reserves the right to "defend national interests"!The EU ambassador to Russia voiced ...

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.06.21

According to CCTV News, on the 21st local time, the EU ambassador to Russia Marcus Edrell said he hoped that Russia would solve the problem of transit transportation in Garinrad through diplomatic channels.

According to CCTV News, on the 20th local time, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement that protests from Lithuania for prohibiting the transportation of goods from Russia to Russia's land to Russia, and warned that Russia will return to the Russian side if Lithuania does not resume transportation.

According to the statement, Lithuania prohibits most types of goods from transporting most types of goods in Kalinen Galine without inform Russia in advance, and Russia requires to cancel these restrictions immediately. Russia believes that Lithuania's measures violate international legal obligations, especially the joint statement signed by Russia and the European Union on transit issues between Kalinenrad and other territories of the Federation of Russia. A spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zaharava, said that the move was "open hostile behavior", unless Lithuania immediately canceled these restrictions, Russia reserved Russia's right to "defend its national interests".

Russia's Presidential Press Secretary Peskov also said on the same day that Lithuania was unprecedented and illegal, and Russia regarded this as part of the blockade of Russia.

Picture source: CCTV News

The Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted diplomatic photos to the Moscow's Interim Office on the 20th, explaining the sanctions between the EU's transit between the Russian continent and the Kalinrad, and emphasized that passengers and goods that are not sanctioned by the European Union can pass their territory as usual.

Earlier, Lithuania Foreign Minister Lanzbelgis has stated that it is not a decision to prohibit Lithuania from Lithuania to Galinnrada to Russia.

It is understood that Kalinenrad is a Russian flying land located between Poland and Lithuania. The Lithuania Railway Company operates the only railway route connecting Kalinrad and Russia. Since June 18, the Lithuanian Railway Corporation has notified the Galinrad Grand Railway Corporation to stop the transit from some of the EU sanctions.

Picture source: CCTV News

In response to this situation, the Galnin Grade government said that it will be re -assigned by the sanctions prohibited from the transit of Lithuania and then transported through the sea.

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