The second entry of Jiayuguan City delegation in the opening ceremony of the 15th Games of Gansu Province

Author:Jiayuguan News Network Time:2022.09.18

On the evening of September 17, the opening ceremony of the 15th Games of Gansu Province was held at the Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center.

As the second delegation to enter the opening ceremony, Jiayuguan Sports delegation entered the Olympic Sports Center. The square matrix of 51 people was neat and magnificent, fully showing the vigorous and spiritual style of Jiayuguan sports athletes.

From May this year, the Provincial Games closed on September 24 this year. A total of more than 290 athletes and coaches in Jiayuguan City participated in the competitions of 22 projects.As of now, our city has won 16 gold medals. Next, the Jiayuguan team will also participate in the competition of the youth group football (group B), basketball (group B), badminton and mass group swimming, track and field and other projects to strive to create againGood performance, renewing glory.(Wu Wen Yang Xing, a reporter from Jiayuguan Rong Media Center)

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