Ganzhou: Innovative community governance model is accelerated by community governance

Author:Ganzhou Rong Media Center Time:2022.06.21

Ganzhou Rong Media (Reporter Shi Jingjing) In recent years, the streets of Ganzhou District have closely focused on the requirements of the "1+4" and "1+5" plan of the municipal party committee and the district committee of the city party committee and the district committee. Strive to serve the party members, reduce the service radius, move forward service windows, and further promote the community governance model of party and mass participation and sharing co -governance.

The street communities in Ganzhou District are centered on party and mass services, to build an open, intensive and shared party and mass service comprehensive platform, actively build the optimal environment, and build the most "grounded" service position at the door of the masses. The diversified space of youth home, reading room, calligraphy and painting room, and decompression room meets the needs of all ages. At the same time, the community actively builds the main window of convenience services, solves the demands of the masses with "highest efficiency", and solves the difficulties of the masses with "optimal services".

"The attitude of community staff is very enthusiastic, explained meticulous and patience, efficient work efficiency, and very fast. I feel very satisfied and can solve various problems at the doorstep." Said Chen Lijun.

In accordance with the requirements of the "community grid grid and small division of the building", each street promotes the "branch+grid" working model, promotes the sinking community, compiled into the grid, entered the building, and regularly. Carry out visiting activities. Through precise and refined community grid governance services, "small grids" play a "big role" and open up the "last mile" to contact the people.

"Like an old man in the nest, living alone, go to the door to ask what needs for life, for example, regularly come to the door for a week or one month to clean the room and clean it." Zheng Weiyun said.

Each street community actively improves the party building and belt group construction system, establishes the incubation and cultivation mechanism of social organizations, and cultivates public welfare, service, and mutual assistance social organizations to participate in community autonomy and co -governance. Organize the practice activities of grass -roots democratic consultation with the practical activities of "I do a practical work for the masses", properly solve the hot issues that residents generally care about, promote the autonomy of self -management, self -education, and self -service, and give full play to the governance of grass -roots party organizations in community governance The service role.

Tang Jilong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhanghuo Road, the streets of Ganzhou District Railway Station, said: "The Community Party Committee adheres to the party building and leads grass -roots governance, takes the volunteer of party building and plus as the carrier, gives full play to the leading role of grass -roots party organizations, continues to deepen the path of residents' autonomy, and provides residents with various life. High -quality services that are related to the relevant enhancement of residents' sense of belonging and recognition. "

Community governance is not a "unicorn" but "concerto". Ganzhou District will continue to explore new paths of social governance, condense and move forward, build a distinctive party building to lead the grassroots governance system, and strive to change the "problem list" of the masses Become a "happiness list".

Ma Haitao, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Ganzhou District Railway Station, said: "Next, the street will continue to deepen the community's" good -neighborhood post "brand. 2. Volunteer groups participate in community governance together, provide more high -quality services for residents, and gradually form a community governance pattern of multi -party participation and sharing. "

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