Pingdu Municipal Meteorological Bureau issued a thunder and yellow warning [III class/heavier]

Author:Pingdu Early Warning Release Time:2022.06.08

Pingdu Meteorological Bureau released thunder and yellow warning signal at 20:35 on June 08, 2022: Lightning and electricity town in the south of the city has appeared. It is expected that there will still be lightning activities in most areas of our city today.There are small hail in the local area, and the gusts are 8 to 9 during thunderstorms. Please pay attention to prevention.Defense guidelines: 1. Government and relevant departments do a good job of lightning protection and lightning against lightning in accordance with their duties; 2. Cut off the dangerous power supply, properly resettle outdoor items that are easily affected by the wind, and cover the construction materials; 3. Airport, highway and other unitsMeasures to ensure traffic safety should be taken; 4. Pay close attention to the weather and try to avoid outdoor activities.

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