[Innovate the first -class work] Guangrao: rectify the "empty spider web" to make the village "wireless beauty"

Author:Ai Guangrao Time:2022.09.16

"In the past, various network cables in the village pulled up and west. A group of all -round roots, entering the village is like entering the" Panshid Cave ". Now through the weak wires, we can basically not see the network line on the street. The village has a new look, and the mood is so comfortable! "Han Fuqiang, secretary of the party branch of Dongma Village, Guangrao Street, said with emotion. This is also a new road to Guangrao Street to continuously improve the living environment, completely cure the rural "aerial spider web", and take the lead in launching the pilot trip of weak electricity rectification.

With the development and popularization of the Internet, rural network users have increased day by day. Due to the lack of unified planning and management of weak electric lines, many villages in many villages have become "stubborn diseases" for improving the rural living environment. The staff of the street pipe area introduced that these lines are intricate, and they cannot solve the fundamental problems in a binding method. It is not that professionals dare not easily cut. These network cables not only affect the living environment of the villagers, but also may cause safety hazards to past vehicles and pedestrians.

In order to solve this problem, our county took the lead in the pilot of Guangrao Street as the pilot. The model of "one operator serves a rural community" is unified, and the operator sets up a shared optical intercess box in all villages in the community to integrate four operators optical cable lines to achieve the "four -in -one" of the main optical cable. The village's main roads are weak and the streets and lanes are weak. The fiber boxes are set up in the intersection of the villages for optical cable branches. The hook is fixed on the streets of the streets. According to the villagers' self -selection, the corresponding operators are responsible for wiring to enter the household. After the reconstruction is completed, the package community operator is responsible for removing all the original overhead lines and poles to effectively solve the stubborn "air web" problem. "At present, the weak electricity rectification work of 10 villages in Guangrao Street is undergoing in an orderly manner. Next, other town streets will also carry out weak electricity rectification work according to local conditions. The villagers will also have a clean and refreshing living environment." Liu Qinghai, director of the county agricultural and rural bureau, introduced Say.

Since the beginning of this year, the county agricultural and rural bureau has been based on reality. It has adhered to the word "real" first, "dry", focusing on rural residual walls, "empty spider web" and other rural living environment. The five -year actions were improved, and the county's rural living environment was upgraded and upgraded.

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