Bilingual Speaking Henan | Henan built a "rice" -shaped high -speed rail network to realize the "municipal high -speed rail" Time:2022.06.21

China's Jinan-Zhengzhou High-speed Railway (Puyang-Zhengzhou section), Zhengzhou-Chongqing High-speed Railway and Zhengzhou Hangkonggang Railway Station commenced operations on June 20, marking the completion of the construction of a star-shaped high-speed railway network with Zhengzhou at its core in Henan. So far, all the 17 prefecture-level cities in Henan has been covered by China

On June 20, the Jixian High -speed Railway Puyang to Zhengzhou section, Zhengyu high -speed rail, and Zhengzhou Airport Station were opened to open operations. Henan Province took the lead in building a "rice" -shaped high -speed rail network with Zhengzhou as its core and achieved 17 provinces under the jurisdiction of the provinces. The city's "Municipal High -speed Railway".

Since 2016, the beginning of China's 13th Five-Year Plan, Henan has built 1,420 kilometers of new railways. With the opening of the Jinan-Zhengzhou High-speed Railway (Puyang-Zhengzhou section), Henan's railway operation mileage has reached 6,716 kilometers, Including 1,924 kilometers of high-site lines operating at the speyd of 350 km/h, rinking 1st in China.

It is understood that since the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan", Henan Province has added a new railway mileage of 1420 kilometers. After the opening of the Zheng Duan of the Jixian High Rail, the province's railway operation mileage reached 6,716 kilometers, of which the mileage of the high -speed railway of 350 kilometers per hour reached 1924 kilometers, ranking first in the country.

Chinese Source/Henan Daily reporter/Dong Yan Song Min compiled/Zhao Hanying He Menghe Video/China Railway Zhengzhou Bureau Group Co., Ltd.

Responsible editor: Sun Zhenheng review: Jiang Qiuxia

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