Guanxian reports 3 typical issues of incorrect wind and corruption around the masses Time:2022.09.15 · Lightning News, September 15th, in order to strengthen warning education, strict party discipline, and promoted the special rectification of corruption and injustice around the masses. The problem report is as follows:

Su Style, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Village and Village Committee of Wan Shan Township, and the director of the village committee, the villagers were sent to the villagers, charging charges, and increasing the burden of the masses. During the Su style of Su style, in July 2021, Zhaocun Village, in the process of assisting the township government to carry out flood prevention work, in the name of flood resistance and rescue, 30 villagers from the villagers from the village from 18 to 45 years of age were charged. The cost of 1560 yuan is used to pay the cost of the villagers to participate in the flood prevention work. In February 2022, the Su style was punished by the party's warning.

Liu Yifeng, Secretary of the Party Branch of Wanghuangcheng Village, Liangtang Town and Director of the Village Committee, issued collective land issues in violation of the rules. During Liu Yifeng's tenure, in October 2019, Wang Huangcheng Village Committee packed the 88.8 acres of collective land in the south of the village to 9 households to plant fruit trees for 9 villagers. The lease period was 15 years. The provisions of Article 15 of the Rural Land Contracting Law "Measures", Liu Yifeng has a direct responsibility for this. In April 2022, Liu Yifeng was severely warned by the party.

Xu Qinglei, former party branch secretary of Gao Yanglin Village, Liulin Town, illegally collected productive expenses in violation of regulations. During Xu Qinglei's tenure, from 2008 to 2013, Gao Yanglin Village illegally received a total of 74342.2 yuan to the masses. Village expenditure. In July 2022, the County Commission for Discipline Inspection merged other violations of discipline and violations to give Xu Qinglei a serious warning within the party.

The above three typical cases involve a variety of circumstances such as charging charges to the masses, and over -packed land, which directly infringe on the vital interests of the masses and erode the party's ruling foundation.

Party members and cadres at all levels in the county, especially grass -roots party members and cadres, must learn lessons from the above typical issues. The concept of no small things. Party organizations at all levels in the county should improve their political standing, effectively bear the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, strengthen daily supervision and management, tighten the cage of the system, and continuously strengthen the restrictions and supervision of "small and micro power". Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels must adhere to the supervision in front, keep an eye on key personnel, key matters and key issues, grasp the use of the "four forms", grasp early and grasp the small, seriously investigate and deal with charges, distributes, and get cards to get cards. Wait for the disciplinary violations that infringe on the interests of the masses, maintain the vital interests of the masses with strict discipline, and continuously enhance the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the masses.

Lightning News reporter Zuo Xinxin Liaocheng report

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