Linxia, Gansu: The first line of defense for preventing and controlling the epidemic in the traffic card is strictly controlled by the traffic card

Author:Linxiazhou Radio and TV Statio Time:2022.09.15

The traffic card is the key link of the epidemic prevention and control, and it is the first line of defense of "external defense input". Linxia strictly settled from various epidemic prevention and control measures, set up multiple traffic prevention card points, continued to strengthen the control of foreign personnel and vehicles, and guarded the traffic channels for 24 hours.

The reporter came to Linxia Yingbin Avenue's epidemic prevention and control card point and saw the epidemic prevention and control staff from the public security, health and transportation departments being carried out "sweep three inspections and one inspection" to ensure that they do not miss a car. one person.

Feng Yanjun, a cadre of the Transportation Bureau of Linxia City, said: "From other provinces, if it is a high -risk zone, it is separated by the Health Department at a high risk area. After that, you can pass it. The coming of the state mainly depends on 24 hours of nucleic acid, and then actively report it. "

The scientific scheduling of Linxia City has strengthened the prevention and control of various places, and precisely grasped the "North -South Gate" outbreak prevention and control tasks to ensure that the security situation in the region continued to stabilize and the lives of the people. The reporter learned that the Cuijiapo card point located at the north exit of Linxia City, based on the original prevention and control measures, increase the standards and strictly control the mark to prevent external input from the epidemic.

La Zeyuan, a police officer of the Fourth Squadron of the Traffic Police Brigade of the Linxia Public Security Bureau, said: "From receiving a duty order to receive the epidemic mount, we are on duty on duty for 24 hours. , Weaving a Confidential Epidemium Prevention and Control Network. "

Reporter: Qi Junhong Jinglu Ma Zhanwei (Internship)

Edit: Wang Weqiao Tot Ping

Responsible editor: Ma Liya Master Editor: Kong Ling Ding

Produced: Director Ji Ping: Chen Keyi

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