Entrepreneurship in Longjiang | "Shangfuji" owner's entrepreneurial record

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.06.21

There are a group of people going out of the white mountains and black water. After accumulating a certain amount of funds, they follow the wind and go back to the wind. They return to the homeland to invest and start a business, and contribute to the development of the hometown. Shang Singpo, chairman of Jixi Xiangxiang Technology Development (Group) Co., Ltd., is one of them.

Recently, the reporter walked into the Xiangxiang Company in the east suburbs of Jixi City and listened to Singpo's story about his hard work and returning home to start a business.

Shang Singpo was born in Erdaohe Mine in Hengshan District, Jixi City. His parents are all employees on the mine. When he was a kid, he often helped his parents to serve a cultivated land, and had deep feelings for black land.

After graduating from high school at the age of 19, Shang Singpo went to a construction company in the city to work in zero. Due to the poor operation of the company, he resigned from the job soon and started a small sale.

In 1998, Shang Singpo left his hometown with his newly married wife and went to Shanghai and Zhejiang. He initially fought some short workers, and later gradually discovered that agricultural products such as rice, honey and fungus in his hometown were very popular in the local area, and he started the business of these agricultural special products.

A man -made tricycle was the home when Singapore began to sell. Whether it is sun exposure, wind or rain, he can send the goods on time according to customer requirements. He worked in the hot and humid weather in the south, and he was often sweaty wet pants.

Due to integrity and willingness to endure hardships, more and more customers in Singapore are getting bigger and bigger. The tricycle was replaced by the van, and later he formed his own delivery team. His business has grown from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai to Yugawuki and other places, and later expanded to Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities.

In 2010, Shang Xingpo sold more than 100 million yuan in Northeast Agricultural Special Products in the year. After a certain amount of capital accumulation, Shang Singpo had the idea of ​​returning home to start a business. He said: "There are relatives and classmates in my hometown, and I feel that I go home when I come back. It is also a light car to come back to do agricultural product processing."

Although he has done business in the south for more than ten years, Singapore's sincere and open -minded Northeast personality has not changed.

After several years of inspections, in 2013, with the support and encouragement of the two governments of Jixi City and Jiguan District, Shang Singapo invested in Jixi Xiangxiang Technology Development (Group) Co., Ltd., and began the road to return home. A few years later, he has established a number of companies one after another, which involves soy products, pickles processing and dining service distribution. The sauerkrauts they produce are mainly selling domestic provinces and cities, and they are exported to South Korea and Russia. "Since the production, we have produced more than 6,000 tons of sauerkraut each year. The situation this year is particularly good, and it is expected to exceed 10,000 tons." Shang Singpo said.

In addition, the group also has its own soybean, black fungus and hell planting base, which directly drives more than 200 farmers to stabilize and increase their income. As a key leading enterprise in the province's agricultural industrialization, the group also purchases a large number of agricultural products such as soybeans and cabbage in the province, and has indirectly drove farmers to increase their income.

The reason why companies in Singapore have developed smoothly and smoothly, in his words, "catch up with good times", Jixi's good policy and good environment make him enthusiastic. Last year, he invested in the establishment of Jixi Shangfuji Food Processing Co., Ltd. At present, the company's plant and office building main project has been completed, and production equipment is about to be installed. It is expected to be put into production during the year. At that time, the company will use the patented technologies of some scientific research institutions in the province to produce high -end miscellaneous grains and food replacement food. With the establishment and production of a factory, the Xiangxiang Group of Singapo has gradually grown, and its role in nurturing Sangzi and Zeyue has become stronger and stronger. At present, the group has more than 300 employees.

"I want to be based on the advantage of Heilongjiang's agricultural products to enrich this advantage, strengthen our group, and achieve the industry's leading, and provide more employment positions for my hometown." Shang Singpo said.

Source: Heilongjiang Daily

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