Focus on implementing the "Strong Provincial capital" strategic Changsha to build talent gathering highland

Author:China Renmin Socialary Media Time:2022.06.21

"What support policies can I get in Changsha's self -employment?" Recently, at the "Zhihui Xiaoxiang Cai Gathering Star City" Changsha Talent Policy Sharing Session Overseas and Return to Study Abroad, Electronic Electrical Engineering Professional studies are Ph.D. The policy "upgraded version 45".

With the official implementation of the "upgraded version of the upgraded version" on May 1, 2022, Changsha seized the major opportunities for the implementation of the "strong provincial capital" strategy to upgrade the talent policy of the talent, optimize the innovation and entrepreneurial environment as the breakthrough, and strengthen the leadership talents to attract talents. Gathering talents and talents are retained. The policy has higher gold content, more inclusive noodles, greater breakthroughs, and stronger operability. It has continuously attracted "Yang Songlin" to come and live in peace, and strive to create a country to attract the gathering of talents.

At present, Changsha further optimizes the policy system, implemented scientists, leading high -ranking talents, lack of urgent need for talents, and talent support for people's livelihood to support the "four major projects". Academicians and other first -class scientists and innovation teams implemented a "one thing, one discussion", and given up to 100 million yuan in comprehensive funding. At the same time, the coverage of talent policy is expanded, and high -level professional talents are introduced into the scope of policy support to introduce high -level professional talents in public universities, public hospitals and other institutions. Primary and secondary schools have newly introduced doctors.

At the same time as high -end talents "on the clouds", the latest scientific research results also find "in -laws" in Changsha through the "cloud". Recently, the leaders of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Beijing Jiaotong University, Tianjin University, South China University of Technology and other universities have been concentrated on the online concentrated promotion of the results of the technical transfer institutions of Changsha City to promote the 37 latest scientific research results to Changsha enterprises. Ruyi "mother -in -law".

With the deepening of the reform of the system and mechanism, Changsha has further implemented the system of "unveiling the list" and "horse racing" systems such as "unveiling the list", and facing domestic and foreign universities, research institutes, enterprises, and new research and development institutions. 10,000 yuan; the implementation of the chief expert responsibility system, giving them autonomy in team establishment, use of scientific research funds, and technical route selection. At the same time, Changsha optimizes and improves the standards of high -level talent classification, accelerate the establishment of talent evaluation and dynamic adjustment mechanisms, a total of 2688 ABCD high -level talents, 109 talents categories, and 83 talents green cards.

In order to allow talents to enter and keep it, Changsha strengthens talent service guarantee, set up 6 young talents stations for long -term jobs for long -term jobs; More than 7,000 people, 669 million yuan of "Youcai Loan", benefited 108 talent companies, and drove credit to 10 billion yuan. At present, Changsha has invested 2.6 billion yuan to issue rent and living subsidies for talents, and fulfill the promotion and reward subsidies of the title.

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