West Sanqi Street "Three -dimensional Force" optimize the parking environment

Author:Haidian Rong Media Time:2022.09.15

"It has been used in the shared parking lot when it is wrong. Parking is much easier than before, and the charges are reasonable. We are very satisfied." Since 2020, Xisanqi Street has included the release of urban space and strengthened the construction of motor vehicle public parking spaces into people's livelihood. In order to solve the problem of people's parking problems. 1879 new parking spaces are added, parking management is continuously improved, regional parking rectification work is carried out, the publicity of parking -related work is increased, and the comprehensive management of the parking environment is strengthened to solve the problem of residents' difficulty.

Expand the supply of parking resources

"The difficulty of parking is an annoyance of our residents, but now it is easy to find a parking space." Recently, Ms. Yangliu, who lives in the building material city near Xisanqi Street, told reporters with a smile, " Parking spaces every day, because the parking space is limited and the roads are narrow, and there are problems that occur. The North New Building Materials Railway Line Parking Lot is next to our community. After parking the car here, take a few steps to get home. "

It is understood that the Beixin Building Materials Railway Line Parking Line is located near the East District of the West, 2 Miles of the West of the Building Materials, Haiyue Wutongyuan, and Xinxinyuan Community. Today, the 200 -sharing parking space in the newly built special -line parking lot effectively alleviates the difficulty of parking in residents. "Calculated by monthly, it is 300 yuan per month. This price is not expensive. If some residents temporarily park the car in the parking lot, it is also possible to charge it on an hour. The parking lot is equipped with cameras and street lights, parking safety problems There is also a guarantee, "Liu Liu said.

"Beixin Building Materials Railway Line Parking Lot was originally an inefficient land for all -year -old idle. After multiple negotiations with the property rights party, it has been developed into a shared parking lot, which solves the parking problem of surrounding residents." Xisanqi Street Urban Management Office According to Deputy Director Sun Ou, the per capita car ownership of Xisanqi Street is 218 vehicles/thousand people, which is significantly higher than the per capita car ownership of the near -distance suburbs of Beijing, but there are many old communities in the region. Insufficient resources, the contradiction between parking supply and demand for a long time, and the phenomenon of violations at night is serious. In order to strengthen the overall planning of regional parking resources and meet the needs of residents' parking, Xisanqi Street invites the expert team of Beijing Jiaotong University to carry out special investigations to optimize the transportation environment, use several months of time to collect traffic data and calculate the analysis, form a "" "Research on the Optimization of the Transportation Environment of the West Sanqi area", sort out the actual situation of the regional reality around the parking facilities gaps, suspension chaos, waste of parking resources, etc., and clarify the direction of work.

At present, Xisanqi Street has comprehensively arranged various road conditions in the region in terms of road parking, and 739 new road electronic charging parking spaces are built. "The main reason for the" difficulty of parking "is that the contradiction between supply and demand of parking spaces is prominent. We can build various parking places according to local conditions, such as the original environment of poor environment and disorderly parking in the north side of the Qinghe Fourth Primary School. Sports venues, at the same time, benefit the surrounding residents and students; know that the community in this era has conducted in -depth transformation of the long -term abandoned communities. All enterprise institutions that may provide parking resources have communicated and coordinated. In the past two years, the street has promoted the construction of 7 shared parking lots and 3 conventional parking lots. A total of 762 shared parking spaces and 378 fixed parking spaces are provided. At present, the shared parking lot in the region is assisted by the third -party parking management unit in society, which has improved the corresponding facilities and systems to achieve efficient use of parking resources.

Improve parking standard order order

The reporter saw in Fumeiyuan Community, Xisanqi Street, and the parking lot was planned in an orderly manner and the vehicle was parked. It was solved due to the inadequate management of vehicles and the limited internal parking space planning. "After the establishment of the Community Property Management Council, the" Fu Meiyuan Vehicle Administration Measures "was formulated according to the actual situation. This management method passed the voting of all owners with a support rate of 74.7%, becoming a work guide for vehicle management inside the community, and successfully promoted the disorderly parking of the community To regulate the important change of parking. "Sun Ou introduced that in order to strengthen the governance of parking order in the region, Xisanqi Street continued to carry out regional parking rectification, labeling line planning, and parking reform in the community.

"Install the intelligent identification system at the entrance and exit of some community parking lots to prevent foreign vehicles from entering the parking at will. At the same time, give full play to the role of grass -roots autonomous organizations, and through the party building coordination committee, community clubs, industry committee (property management association) negotiations, etc. The way to supervise the property to improve the parking system, improve the level of vehicle management, and reduce the phenomenon of chaos in the community. "Sun Ou said.

In addition, through cross -domain social governance cooperation mechanisms in the three districts and five streets, break the barriers of regional administrative management, work together to carry out joint law enforcement, vigorously rectify the machines of many junction roads such as West Sanqi North Road and R & F Taoyuan Ring Road. The phenomenon of random parking of motorcycles has achieved the work goals of road traffic and residents' parking specifications, and won the affirmation of surrounding residents.

Promote parking civilization fashion

"This uncle, your car cannot be stopped here. You have to stop on the motor vehicle parking space. The front of the car is rushed out and parked neatly." Sanqi Street carried out the "three districts · three -color" work method to build in the area, coordinated the volunteer service forces of the community, campus, and park "three districts". New fashion. "I hope that residents will be able to park, standardize parking, park the vehicle in the designated area, and place it in an orderly manner." In the Xili community of the building materials city, community staff calls on residents to jointly maintain the environment in their jurisdiction and consciously form a good parking habit of parking habits. , Add a row of "civilized landscapes" to the community.

"We in -depth promotion of the" Banner "solution · top -level design, 'flag' promotion · civilization leadership, 'flag' guardian, volunteer escort, 'flag' governance · blue action Forces assist in the rectification of parking chaos in the community, guiding residents to standardize parking, etc., and enhance the initiative and consciousness of residents to practice civilized parking. "Sun Ou introduced, at the same time, the streets also carried out publicity work through multiple integrations, relying on West to rely on West Sanqi New Age Civilization Practice Base and other spaces carry out painting exhibitions, legal lectures, story preaching, immersive experience and other activities to enhance the awareness of the residents' civilized parking consciousness, and actively guide residents to enter the nearby parking venues. Public accounts and other forms extensively publicize the progress of the construction of peripheral parking lots and the number of parking spaces, and strictly control the price of parking, encourage residents to actively sign parking agreements, and minimize residential burden while continuing the operating costs of continuous parking lots. In addition, the parking lot "look back" survey regularly, adjust the working method in a timely manner based on the evaluation of the residents, and create a harmonious and harmonious civilized parking atmosphere.

In the next step, Xisanqi Street will continue to depth from actual conditions to excavate parking resources, continuously improve the level of parking management, and strengthen the comprehensive management of the parking environment. Coordinate the planning of various types of parking space, and further promote the construction of facilities such as shared parking lots, small and micro parking lots, three -dimensional parking lots, etc., integrate parking resources in the region, promote information services, continue to increase management and law enforcement, further relieve parking pressure, create to build Regional convenient, standardized and orderly parking pattern. (Reporter Wu Xuanxuan text/photo)

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