Changyang trial integrity points system to establish a family civilization and integrity file

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.09.15

Hubei Daily Correspondent Qin Dan

Participate in volunteer services such as "Fire Dipping Action", add 2 points for each person; cooperate with the construction of rural projects, add 20 points for each household; burn straw in the open air, 5 points for each households ... March this year, 68 pilot villages (communities) in Changyang this year, use In the new era, civilized practice integrity management platform, implement the integration system, and build a family civilization integrity file.

As of now, the county's scores have reached 62,700 points.

Points management, "civilization" can be quantified

On September 2nd, Honesty Supermarket, Muqiaoxi Village, Gaojiayan Town, 70 -year -old villagers Zhang Kaishou scored 70 points of integrity points and returned a bag of rice. "Use civilized behaviors to accumulate points, and we can redeem the goods.

The days of the folks are getting better and better. How can the new style of civilization take root in the countryside? "Translate the villagers' words and deeds into a specific score, quantify, rank, and rewards and punishments." Chen Xiao, deputy director of the Civilization Office of the Changyang County Party Committee, introduced that this year, the county created a "red mutual assistance" brand. Civilization practice integrity management platform, allowing civilization to help each other and carriers.

In August of this year, the county also issued the "Happy Changyang · Co -creation" ten -star civilized households creation work plan. According to the ranking ranking, farmers are awarded ecological environmental protection stars, enthusiastic public welfare stars, and moving customs. Families with ten stars can participate in the selection of ten -star civilized pacesetters, and you can get "gift packages" such as credit loans, free parking in urban areas, water supply and gas supply, and green channels for services.

After implementing the integration system, the changes in the village are not small: the rocks and branches are broken in rainy days, and some people are always cleaned up quietly; tourists go to the village to avoid summer heat, and the garbage left in the blink of an eye was cleaned up ...

Digital platform, wisdom in governance

"Open your phone, you can complete the review anytime, anywhere, it is very convenient!" Said Liu Liyun, Yangxi Village, Yangxi Village, Yaolou Township. Point information collection, screening, entry, management, and electronic operations throughout the process.

Tap the fingertips, "one point one by one" at a glance. "One point" means relying on the "Changyang on the cloud" APP, and the villagers can obtain the corresponding points in the human settlement environment, social security and other aspects of the human settlement environment, social security and other aspects; Archives; "One List" is based on the points of the points, and the red and black list of civilization integrity is generated on the homepage of the platform.

Doing good things, taking pictures of mobile phones, uploading platforms ... Now, this has become a new style of Yangxi Village. The village launched 23 public welfare positions to help the elderly complete the points declaration.

Liu Liyun said that the electronic management of integration was changed to the village cadres' household survey and pen record model, which was independently declared by the villagers to allow the masses to change from "passive acceptance" to "active participation."

Points rules, the masses have the final say

How to determine the points? The masses have the final say!

The bonsai is the leading industry of Qingyan Village, Gaojiayan Town. The villagers have decided to include "bonsai disorder and chaos" into the deduction item. Newly planted flowers and trees "plus 10 points; the award -winning volunteer behavior in the Pingping Town," Participating in the epidemic prevention and control "and" mutual assistance to drought resistance "can apply for points ... Improve the village regulations and the people's treaty, hold a moral assessment parliament or villagers' council, and collect points collectively The rules have become the "agreed action" before the promotion of the points system in each village.

The enthusiasm of the villagers was mobilized. Knowing that the farmer's harvest festival was to be held in mid -September, Li Guangju, a 69 -year -old Liangshanba villager Li Guangju, took the initiative to let his own vegetable garden for road construction. Villagers Qin Lichuan, Xiang Changming, and Gao Yuncheng formed a road repair team spontaneously. In addition to the soil, flat ground, paving cement ... In just 4 days, the 30 -meter sheep intestine trail changed.

It is understood that in Changyang, the integrity point system is moving from rural to the community, and 13 community integrity supermarkets are under construction.

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