Online enhancement of "new vitality" offline returns to "fireworks" -current consumer market perspective

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.21

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 20th. Question: Online enhancement of "new vitality" offline return to "firework gas" -current consumer market perspective

Xinhua News Agency reporters Kong Xiangxin, Yang Na, Jining

Multi -places have introduced consumer policies to boost consumer confidence; merchants issue consumer coupons gift packages to drive consumer vitality ... In the middle of the year, as the epidemic prevention and control is strong and effective, consumption will continue to make efforts from all over the country. What are the active changes in consumer demand? What is the degree of consumer confidence? The reporter went to the market, platform and enterprises to find answers.

Strengthen consumer motivation: Policy short -term combination to boost consumer confidence

In early June, Ms. Zhang, a citizen of Beijing, used the green energy -saving consumer coupon of Beijing to purchase a refrigerator with Beijing's green energy -saving consumer coupons, saving 400 yuan. Beijing has launched a policy of promoting green energy -saving consumption policies for consumers throughout Beijing in April, involving more than 20 electrical appliances.

Cultural tourism "big gift packages", consumer vouchers "family buckets", green energy -saving consumer coupons, new energy vehicles "replaced with old" ... Recently, innovative forms of consumer coupons in various places have been issued, and consumer policies are introduced, covering rich categories.

按照中央就促进经济平稳发展的一系列部署,针对疫情等不确定性因素影响,各地各部门相继出台关于促消费的举措,进一步着力稳住消费基本盘,落实好餐饮、零售、旅游、民航、 Highway waterway and railway transportation such as railway transportation and other integrated industries, and accelerate the organic integration of online and offline consumption.

The reporter sorted out and found that many areas are introducing their respective consumption policies. Shanghai clarified that the number of non -business bus licenses was 40,000 new non -operating bus licenses during the year; from May to August, Shenzhen would subsidize consumers to purchase eligible household appliances at 15%of the sales price. ; Guangdong, Fujian, Shandong and other places rely on their own endowments to support special industries such as prefabricated dishes; Sichuan, Hainan, Fujian and other tourism provinces to provide subsidies, coupons, theme activities and other measures to drive consumer vitality ...

"Consumer vouchers have obvious effects on our sales." Song Huasong, president of the Hunan area of ​​Bu Bee, said, "Since June, consumer coupons have been issued through the platform, our online sales have achieved a growth of over 250%. The combination of the platform and the brand's own subsidy discount has greatly increased the brand's online orders and the visiting passenger flow. "

Experts interviewed said that at present, various departments and departments have issued a new round of policy measures to promote consumption. The short -term combination of consumption and measures has a short -term policy of promoting consumption replenishment, including policy measures such as consumer coupons and tax reduction subsidies to promote consumption replenishment. Rescue industries and enterprises with a greater impact on the epidemic have also used medium- and long -term policy measures to tap urban and rural consumption potential.

Online and offline active: Middle -year promotion consumption continues to work hard

At the beginning of June, Zhang Man, the employee of the domestic sports brand Tubou, looked at the number of beating in the background of the store, and knew that the new product of Shanghai Cangkang's backlog should be saved. Zhang Man, the person in charge of the flagship store of Pinduoduo Platform, said that the recent number of store orders have increased by about 3 times from April and May. With the further recovery of the logistics, the current express delivery volume of Shanghai Warehouse has returned to this year before this wave of epidemic this year. About 90 %.

"Recently, the overall consumption of the platform includes beauty, home appliances, clothing, mother -to -child, agricultural and sideline products, etc." Pinduoduo relevant person in charge said that many brands have accelerated the layout of flagship stores and continued to cultivate the cooperation with the platform.

The reporter learned that since this year, some small and medium -sized enterprises that have slowed sales and such as slow sales and rising costs, many e -commerce platforms have launched support policies. has conducted preferential activities in 23 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Dalian, and issued relevant consumer coupons in Beijing, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Changsha and other places.

Just after the 19th, the "transcripts" of the "618" promotional campaigns of each consumer households were just after the 19th:'s cumulative order amount exceeded 379.3 billion yuan, a innovation high; Xiaomi's full channel payment amount exceeded 18.7 billion yuan; Douyin's Douyin; Douyin The total time of e -commerce live broadcast is 40.45 million hours, and the sales of Douyin Mall drive sales by 514%year -on -year ...

Online consumption continues to be active, and offline "fireworks" are also returning. As the epidemic in Shanghai, Beijing and other places gradually and controllable, offline market entities are gradually recovering the heat.

A BYD car 4S shop in Beijing Yizhuang ushered in many consumers who selected cars. Sales Consultant Wang Lei said: "Recently, Beijing has introduced policies such as old -fashioned new changes, which has increased the sales of new energy vehicles to a certain extent."

At present, the staged reduction of the vehicle purchase tax of the country and the local policy of "replacement with the old" is gradually activated. According to the latest data of the China Automobile Industry Association, domestic automobile production and sales increased by 59.7%and 57.6%in May.

Graduation of demand: firm confidence continues to release consumption potential

According to data from the State Bureau of Statistics, the total retail sales of consumer goods in May fell by 6.7%year -on -year, and the decrease was 4.4 percentage points narrowed from the previous month. With the effectiveness of a series of consumer policies, the domestic market demand is gradually improving.

According to industry analysis, this year's epidemic fluctuations have put pressure on the supply chain. A number of policies and promotional activities have increased the demand for consumption in the year, reflecting the base of my country's consumption recovery, and enhancing the confidence of promoting consumption recovery from all walks of life.

"As early as May, I put what I wanted to buy into the 'shopping cart". After studying the price, I felt that it was very cost -effective to buy during the promotion. I am now used to shopping online. Although the epidemic has a certain impact, consumption is still needed. "Xu Zhengzhong, deputy director of the Ministry of Economics of the National Academy of Administration, believes that in the context of demand shrinkage and expected weakness, although the total retail sales of consumer goods in China, my country's social consumer goods A certain degree of decline, but the long -term fundamental fundamentals of my country's consumer market have not changed. Especially after the epidemic, a refusal period was generated. The consumer demand that was suppressed in the past supply chain interruption could be made up and met.

Industry analysis pointed out that boosting consumption should be measured and continued to advance. On the one hand, we must implement a number of stable growth and employment policies from the central government, and we must accurately design and implement consumer -related measures according to local conditions to ensure the effect of pulling consumption. On the other hand, enterprises should further increase the research and development of goods and services to provide consumers with more high -quality goods and services. In addition, the protection of the smooth supply chain is the foundation for promoting consumption, especially to promote online consumption. It is recommended to further promote the intellectual upgrade of the supply chain of the overall industry.

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