These vehicles are related to Chong Chong, see here!

Author:Chongzhou today Time:2022.09.13

On September 13, the traffic group of the new coronary virus pneumonia in Chongzhou City issued the traffic group of the prevention and control headquarters of the Ministry of Transportation of Chongtian, a carrier carrier vehicle, and a foreign school faculty and staff who returned to the school Notification, the specific content is as follows:

Chongzhou new coronary virus pneumonia

Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Transportation Group

Regarding the travel of foreign staff because of travel

Notice of self -driving vehicles from Chong Chong

1. Applicable object

Prior to September 12, 2022, the travel personnel and passengers who had entered Chongzhou in Chongzhou had entered Chongzhou.

The vehicle is limited to the passenger vehicle registered outside Chongzhou City, that is, the "Motor Vehicle Driving License" states that the address is passenger vehicles outside Chongzhou. The passengers include: drivers, car officers; restricted personnel of Chongzhou City, that is, the "resident ID card" (or "motor vehicle driver's license") that states that the address is personnel outside Chongzhou.

Second, Li Chong's Measures

(1) Information. The passenger of the vehicle provides relevant information that can prove its recent travel (such as hotel accommodation bills or payment records for online accommodation, etc.) and my "resident ID card" (or "motor vehicle driver's license") to provide self -driving self -driving Vehicle "motor vehicle driving license".

(2) Check. At the site of the prevention and control of the entrance epidemic in the highway (or ordinary highway), the inspector provides information on the vehicle's passenger personnel. , 24 -hour kernel acid negative proof.

If there is no abnormal inspection, it is allowed to release it, and reminds the vehicle company to "report to the local village (community) committee as soon as possible after returning to the implementation of the prevention and control requirements of the epidemic."

Chongzhou new coronary virus pneumonia epidemic situation

Transportation group for prevention and control headquarters

September 13, 2022

Chongzhou new coronary virus pneumonia

Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Transportation Group

About the car cargo vehicle Li Chong

Notice of related matters

1. Applicable object

Before September 12, 2022, cargo vehicles that have entered Chongzhou City (referring to cargo vehicles registered outside Chongzhou City, that is, the "Motor Vehicle Driving License" states that the address is outside Chongzhou City) and the passenger personnel ( Limitors of Chongzhou City, including: drivers, car staff, that is, the driver's "Motor Vehicle Driver's License", and the "resident ID card" of the car, which states that the address is outside Chongzhou).

Second, Li Chong's Measures

(1) Information. The car -loaded vehicle driver provides the vehicle "motor vehicle driving license", my "motor vehicle driving license" or "resident ID card".

(2) Check. At the site of the prevention and control of the entrance epidemic in the highway (or ordinary highway), the inspector provides information on the personnel of the carrier vehicle. , Calculation card, 24 -hour kernel acid negative proof.

If there is no abnormal inspection, it is allowed to release it, and reminds the carrier -loaded vehicle. The personnel of the carrier must take the initiative to report to the local village (community) committee as soon as possible to implement the prevention and control requirements of the epidemic. "

Chongzhou new coronary virus pneumonia epidemic situation

Transportation group for prevention and control headquarters

September 13, 2022

Chongzhou new coronary virus pneumonia

Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Transportation Group

About foreign schools faculty and staff returning to school to self -driving vehicles

Notice of Li Chong's related matters

1. Applicable object

Faculty staff of foreign schools in Chongzhou now plan to return to school.

Second, Li Chong's Measures

(1) Provide information

The personnel to be returned to the school provide a certificate of work, notice of returning to school (work permit or school certificate) and my ID card. The school's certificate and the notice of returning to the school can be a WeChat photo.

(2) Apply for a vehicle pass

1. Apply. The returnees (referred to as the applied personnel) apply for a certificate of work and notice of the school, and apply for the village (community) committee where the residence is located. ) Audit Opinions (in three copies, the applied person holds one, the applied person who handles one when applying to the Municipal Transportation Bureau, and the village Committee retains one).

The "Village (Community) Audit Opinions" must be contained in "Out of Chong Chong Council (returning to schools from foreign schools), planning to leave the date, plan to return to the date, vehicle license plate number and my own name, gender, destination destination", must The village (community) committee reviewer signed and stamped with official seal.

2. issue. Applicants hold the "Village (Community) Review Opinions" and work certificates of work and return to school to the municipal transportation bureau (contact number: 028-62658283). The Municipal Transportation Bureau shall issue a temporary passenger permit for vehicles (valid for 1 day and automatic check -up) after the notice of returning to the school in accordance with the "Village (Community) Review Opinions" and re -inspecting the work certificate of foreign schools.

The applicant searched for "Rongyuchang" through the mobile phone WeChat. After logging in to the relevant information, he obtained the temporary pass of the "Rongye Chang" electronic version of the electronic version of the vehicle.

(3) Li Chongqi

At the site of the prevention and control of the entrance epidemic in highways (or ordinary highways), the inspectors first inspected the temporary pass of the self -driving vehicle and provided by the returnees and provided. After that, check the health code, communication itinerary, and 24 -hour kernel acid negative certificate of the returnees.

If there is no abnormality after inspection, it is allowed to release it.Three, others


If there is a minor child and the elderly, the elderly leave the bicycle, it must provide proof relationship information. In the "Village (Community) Review Opinions", the name of the car personnel and gender on the highway (or ordinary highway) will be stated.The prevention and control inspection points are verified by identity and relationships, and they are released together after the epidemic prevention and control inspection.

(2) Epidemic prevention and control requirements

The vehicle is driving routes as much as possible to achieve closed -loop management.Lisen by Chong Chong must take the initiative to report to the local community as soon as possible; we must standardize their own protection, avoid going to densely dense areas of the flow, and effectively implement the prevalence requirements of the epidemic.

Chongzhou new coronary virus pneumonia epidemic situation

Transportation group for prevention and control headquarters

September 13, 2022

Kind tips:

Steady and orderly restore the order of normal production and life

Everyone must continue to cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control measures

in daily life

Consciously implement personal protection responsibility

Frequent ventilation, wash your hands frequently

Male masks must be worn


- END -

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