Henan Zhoukou: Love warm Mid -Autumn Festival left -behind children are not alone

Author:Zhoukou Daily Time:2022.09.12

Zhoukou Daily · Zhou Dao client reporter Du Linbo Wen/Picture

In order to care for the left -behind children, on the morning of September 9, the Wenchang Primary School Social Work Station of Zhoukou City held a "welcoming the Mid -Autumn Festival and spent the same festival" moon cake DIY activity.

With the enthusiastic smiley faces of the students, volunteers prepare the tool materials such as tablecloths, fillings, flour, molds, and other tools. The students learned to make moon cakes and experience the fun of making moon cakes. After a while, the moon cakes with all the color and fragrance were presented in front of them. The children carefully put their own moon cakes into the moon cake box, and said that they would bring them back to share with grandparents. Taste your craftsmanship.

At the event, the children also conducted video exchanges with their parents in the field to send them a holiday blessing. Moms and dads saw the moon cakes made by their own hands. They were very moved. Thanks to the school and social workers to give the warmth to the children.

Zhu Gangwei, the principal of Wenchang Primary School in Zhoukou City, said that the event promoted the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, so that the students felt the profoundness of the Chinese nation culture, and the left -behind children who were far away from their parents felt care and warmth, so that they could spend through A happy and unforgettable holiday.

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