On the 11th, there were 14 new local diagnosis cases in Guangdong

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.09.12

At 0-24 on September 11th, 14 new local diagnosis cases were added in the province (14 cases in Shenzhen); 11 new native symptoms were added (11 cases in Shenzhen); and 3 other symptoms of infected infections were transferred Cases (1 case of Shantou, 1 case of Huizhou, 1 case of Jiangmen). There are 20 new overseas input cases in the province (12 cases in Guangzhou, 3 cases in Shenzhen, 2 cases of Zhuhai, 1 case of Shanwei, and 2 cases of Zhongshan); 16 cases of new overseas input non -symptoms (5 cases of Guangzhou, Shenzhen 7 cases in Shenzhen , 1 case of Huizhou, 3 cases in Dongguan); another case of an asymptomatic infected infected infected from the diagnosed case (1 case of Zhuhai).

36 new hospitalizations in the province (11 cases were entered overseas), and 713 cases were currently in the hospital (183 cases were entered overseas); 31 cases were newly lifted away from medical observations (19 cases were entered overseas). 418 infected people (166 cases were entered overseas).

As of 24:00 on September 11, the province had reported a total of 19,591 cases of new crown pulmonary inflammatory infections (1,2336 cases were entered overseas), of which 9680 cases were confirmed (5095 overseas inputs), and 9911 cases of asymptomatic infected (7241 cases were entered overseas). Essence

Text/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Reporter: He Xuehua Correspondent: Guangdong Weixin Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Editor: Wu Yizhen

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