Hua Chunying posted a text!What's the difference between the "male lion teenager" in the ancient town of Ninghai?

Author:Ningbo Evening News Time:2022.09.11


"Lion Boy" in Qian Tong Ancient Town

Get Hua Chunying and Paqua Praise

Not long ago, in the former Tonggu Town of Ninghai County, Ningbo, foreign Chinese Lu Qianqian and American American Rachel Lynn Weiss stood in front of the camera, showing the lion dance performances of the ancient town to global netizens through multiple live platforms of CGTN.

"Ancient town lion dance" fires all over the world.

On September 4th, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hua Chunying Posted: Wonder How Lion Dance is Performed? This Young Man Shows You Some Basic Moves Inside the Dancing Lion Costume. Performing? The young man showed some of the basic lion dance under the lion clothes. It was special, did you?)

In the video, 13 -year -old Zhang Zhenhao did not wear a lion head to practice to wearing a lion head. As the camera continued to switch, a set of 10 seconds performances containing the basic action of lion dance. Netizens around the world praised, "Chinese culture must be passed on", "one minute on the stage, ten years of merit on the stage" ...

Zhang Zhenhao has practiced lion dance for nearly three years and has won the first prize of the Zhejiang Dragon Lion Championship for two consecutive years. He is full of respect and love for this art. Together with more than a dozen students, he used the spare time and practiced three times a week. After the action was in place, he would put on the lion head, put on the lion clothes, and present the most perfect performance.

Former children's lion dance has a long history and can be traced back to the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. For various reasons, the former lion dance gradually declined in the middle of the 20th century. Until the Lantern Festival in 2016, a lion re -"broke into" the vision of the former children's folks. The revival of the lion dance culture in the former children's town is inseparable from a native ancient town youth -Tong Panfeng.

A coincidence, Tong Panfeng learned that his grandfather was a member of the former children's lion class, and he wanted to restore the lion dance culture. In 2015, he moved to Shandong, Anhui, Guangxi and other places to learn lion dance. After the return of Xuecheng, Tong Panfeng wanted to promote lion dance, but he found that the promotion of lion dance culture and the rejuvenation of traditional culture needed to start with the doll.

In 2017, with the support of the former Tong Town Government and Qiantong Town Central Primary School, Tong Panfeng established the "Dragon Dragon and Lion Dance Team of Qianchong Central Elementary School" in the form of extra -curricular interest classes, officially recruiting young students to open class teaching. Every Thursday afternoon and weekends, there is a group of lion dance teenagers on the hillside of the school in the school, the temple in the ancient town, and the hillside outside the town. Running, steaming, doing push -ups, and learning paceing. The lion dance test not only tests the action skills, but also physical fitness and will.

Thanks to the support of schools and government, Tong Panfeng's lion dance classroom has gradually become calm. In the past 6 years, the lion dance class has expanded from the initial few people to more than thirty people today, and more and more teenagers in the town have gathered in the town. Essence Children evaluate the coach like this: private and kind in private, but they are serious during training.

In the video, Zhang Zhenhao's lion head is made of bamboo. It weighs more than a dozen pounds. A complete set of performances take 5 to 6 minutes, including more than a dozen difficult movements. The eight -kind of lion -joy, anger, sorrow, joy, movement, quietness, shock, suspicion, accurately presentation depends on the tacit cooperation of the lion head and lion tail. The highest pursuit.

Shaking his head on the left and right showed happiness. Half closed eyes were deadly, and suddenly the blink of an eye meant fear and was frightened ... Under the lion dance suit, the teenagers also followed the expression. A supporting movement is equivalent to stacking Luohan in the air. The difficulty can be imagined.

The 10 -year -old Wang Jiaxing studied the lion dance for less than a year and played the lion head lightly, which was the fastest recognized progress in the team; Tong Yuheng played the lion tail to "eat better" after training. For them, learning lion dance can hone their will, can go out to meet the world, and make friends.

After a few years, the children who insisted on training were willing to work hard. Each of them shed tears and injured, and some had not been able to participate in the competition for two years but still insisted on training. Tong Panfeng said, "The spirit of the Dragon and Lion is self -reliance, courage, ritual, loyalty, and also affects the character of the child. This is the charm of the excellent traditional culture of Chinese."

In recent years, the ancient town lion dance team has achieved great achievements in the Dragon and Lion Championships across the country and the province. "Doing what you like will never be tired." Zhang Zhenhao said. For him and his friends, lion dance has changed from a novel movement to the cultural tradition engraved in their bones.

Reporter Zhang Haiyu Correspondent Xu Mingzheng

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