The Mid -Autumn Festival is warm and warm, volunteer service is warm and prestigious children

Author:I am Longchang Time:2022.09.10

On September 8th, after a long time of high temperature baking, the earth finally had the chance to breathe, and people's difficulty in drinking water also greatly eased. In September of Jin Gui, the autumn wind was slightly cool, and it was the Mid -Autumn Festival of the Mid -Autumn Festival. In this reunion day, the volunteers of the New Age Civilization Practice Institute of Longcheng Town, Longchang City, and the volunteers of the Long City Social Work Station. The city's "Golden Strip" volunteer service team came to Xiaotao (pseudonym), a child with a dilemma in Yanwan Village, Longcheng Town, and sent condolences, moon cakes, quilts and other condolences to Xiaotao (pseudonym) home.

Volunteer Service Team Get Instead

The volunteer service team came to Xiaotao's house and asked Xiaotao's living conditions and learning at home in detail, encouraging Xiaotao and his parents to work hard to overcome difficulties and face life with a positive and optimistic attitude.

The volunteers boo the cold and ask the warmth, learn more about Xiaotao's life in detail

Volunteers send their love donations to Xiaotao's father

Volunteers at Longcheng Town Social Work Station learned in the early stage of household investigation that Xiao Tao could only abandon his studies due to serious injuries due to a high -altitude fall. The family was very difficult to treat the economy. With the help of the Town Practice Center, the Longchang Social Work Station immediately contacted the Town Practice Center. With the help of Longchang New Era Civilization Practice Center and Longchang City's "Golden Strip" Volunteer Service Team, it launched a fundraising, raising good funds, and organizing condolences. In the festival, volunteers sent a total of more than 6,000 yuan of cash and materials raised to the Xiao Tao family, so that they could also have a warm and happy Mid -Autumn Festival.

The volunteer service activities of the poor children's family and the government have sent them the warmth of society and the government. It truly increases the sense of gain and happiness of the masses. Essence The relevant person in charge of the event stated that in the future, it will continue to pay attention to children with dilemma, do their best to give the necessary help, solve the actual difficulties for them, and pass the concept of the era of volunteer service to more people.

Edit: Yang Rui Rui

Responsible editor: Yang Ping

Source: Longcheng Town

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