Nearly 1.79 million in Zhuhai nucleic acid testing is negative, and the supply of living materials in Australia increases by 20%.

Author:21st Century Economic report Time:2022.06.20

Southern Finance All-Media reporter Peng Minjing Zhuhai reported on June 20, Southern Finance All-Media reporters learned from the press conference of the Zhuhai Epidemic Prevention and Control Report Conference that at 0-24 on June 19, three cases of new crown pneumonia were entered in Zhuhai. Symptoms, except for one asymptomatic infection in Hong Kong, China, closed loop transfer to fixed -point treatment hospitals after entering the country after entering the country, and the other two cases came from Macau China.

Mei Wenhua, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Disease Prevention and Control Center of Zhuhai City, said that after preliminary inflowing, two infected people from Macau China recently have 10 key activity venues in Zhuhai recently, including markets, restaurants, commercial banks, ports and other people gathering together Public places.

"At present, Macau nucleic acid positive cases have risen to 36 cases. The epidemic has not been found at the current epidemic. According to the characteristics of the world's main popular Omiko strains and fast transmission speed, the community has further spread the risk." Mei Wen Hua said that in order to discover risks and hidden cases in a timely manner, Macau is trying to carry out the traceability of epidemic surveys and the detection of nucleic acids for the entire population to block and prevent virus spread in the community.

Zhuhai has determined 249 people and 77 second -secret connection

According to reports, after the relevant cases were found, Zhuhai had quickly checked its trajectory in Zhuhai, investigated and classified and controlled key places and personnel, and disinfected at the end of the venue. As of 12 noon on June 20, Zhuhai has determined that a total of 249 people have been confined and 77 are judged.

In the early morning of June 19, Zhuhai has deployed Hengqin Guangdong -Australia In -depth Cooperation Zone, Xiangzhou District, High -tech Zone, and Hezhou New District Preparatory Group (except the island) to carry out large -scale nucleic acid screening within the day for 3 days. Since June 20, residents of islands, Jinwan District and Doumen District have been included in large -scale nucleic acid testing. On June 19, Zhuhai City's sampling testing was 1.7865 million, with a sampling completion rate of 105.81%, and the results were negative.

Judging from Zhuhai's current definition control control area, the first is to draw 11 Zhonghai Diamond Community as the seal control area, the community is divided into control areas, and Hengqin Guangdong -Australia in -depth cooperation zone (referred to as Hengqin: Hengqin Cooperation zone) The entire area is classified as a prevention zone; temporary traffic control of the Hengqin Cooperation Zone. The second is to classify Unit 1 153 Qiaoguang Road into a seal -control area, No. 153, 155, and 157 of Qiaoguang Road as the management control area, and 1 area near Gongbei Street Qiaoguang Road as a prevention area; to Gongbei Street, Xiangzhou District Temporary traffic control of the Baishi community in the whole area and Qianshan Street. Third, the two areas of Beishan Village in Xiangzhou District are classified as a seal -control area, two areas are divided into control areas, and one area is classified as a preventive area.

At present, the Hengqin Cooperation Zone has established a special working group such as comprehensive guarantee and medical treatment to ensure that materials distribution is in place in time. For the residents of the seal control area, all the corresponding materials are delivered by the cadres of the small Hengqin community in the cooperation zone; for the residents of the regulatory area, the corresponding living materials will be collected by the residents.

"For the seal -controlled area and the control zone, the living materials packages have been prepared in accordance with the standard of 100 yuan per household. For the prevention zone, the cooperation zone is stored in accordance with the average daily consumption of living materials in the area to ensure that the supply is sufficient." Zhong Haibo, Deputy Director of Hengqin Guangdong -Australia In -depth Cooperative Epidemic Institute of Epidemium Prevention and Control Command Office.

Strengthen the coordinated linkage of the Zhuhai -Macao epidemic disposal

Mei Wenhua said that the same urbanization of the Zhuhai -Macao places is high. In order to avoid the spread of the epidemic, it has tightened customs clearance measures in the short term after negotiation by the Kuji and Macao joint prevention and control mechanism.

For a long time, Zhuhai -Macao has been closely linked, and most of Macau's living materials are transported through the Zhuhai -Macao port.

After the epidemic, Zhuhai attaches great importance to the supply and guarantee of living materials in Macau, quickly establishes a confession work mechanism, improves emergency supply measures, and makes overall supplies and prevention and control of the epidemic.

At present, Zhuhai City's supply of living materials in Macau is guaranteed in place. On June 20th, about 150 tons of fruits, 300 tons of vegetables, 380 live pigs, and 700,000 eggs, an increase of about 20%over daily.

It is understood that Zhuhai quickly established Macau living materials supplies for special classes, established a monitoring group for basic Australian agricultural products enterprises, contacted Zhuhai's main Australian enterprises, confirmed the supply of Macau, required enterprises to increase inventory, and make preparations for increasing supply in advance.

Zhuhai also formulated the "Zhuhai City Supply Macau Emergency Plan for Macau Basic Agricultural Products". Once an extreme situation occurs, it will be adjusted for cross -border transportation vehicles and drivers of Australia to extend the time of customs clearance of Australia and enable land waterways to combine transportation to effectively ensure the basic Macau basic basics of Macau. The supply of agricultural products is stable.

"Through the work mechanism of the Zhuhai -Macao Federation of Defense and Control, I will timely understand Macau's demand for the protection of living materials for living in Australia, and cooperate with relevant departments to quickly allocate related shortage materials to ensure stable supply in the Macau market." Yang Zhenglin, deputy director of the Zhuhai Municipal Bureau of Commerce The transportation of cross -border goods in Australia is safe and smooth. Zhuhai will further improve the management of list management, designated port clearance, and "three -point line" closed -loop management measures to ensure that cross -border cargo transportation is safe and smooth.

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