4: 30 pm, 2022 family health theme promotion activities- "Healthy Home · Taste" Mid -Autumn Festival live entrance is opened!

Author:China Family Planning Associat Time:2022.09.09

I hope that people will have a long time, and the different cultural accumulation and historical heritage of thousands of miles have created different Mid -Autumn Festival culture and dietary customs in various places. Moon Guang rushed home and entered the door in the kitchen. His eyes were blurred by tears, and his heart melted. "Come on, let's go, eat!" You can think about it before eating. You have to think about it. ... when the moon cake is the healthiest? What are the hairy crabs? Is it safe to pick up raw? What kind of fruits are the best for Mid -Autumn Festival? Isn't duck meat really getting angry? Is the health soup raw? Oh my god! Don't be afraid of not being delicious, because ↓ "Healthy Home · Taste" Mid-Autumn Festival Micro Live is about to meet you at 16: 30-17: 30 on September 8th! In the China Family Daily Live Platform, Sina Weibo, Beijing time, Baidu Health, Youku, Central Video, WeChat video, Douyin, Kuaishou, today's headline live broadcast, experts will interpret the precautions and health of the Mid -Autumn Festival diet one by one Matching you rest assured to eat! Eat healthily! Scanning the QR code to enter the live room to eat is very important to eat healthy, more important, don't forget to watch the live broadcast!

The China Family Planning Association issued the work information of the family planning association, publicized the family planning policy, spread health knowledge, serves the family planning masses, promotes family health and develops 25 original content public account.

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