There are many benefits to eating persimmons, and lungs are laxative!But don't eat it like this ~

Author:Chongqing Satellite TV Time:2022.09.09

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Some people love persimmons, whether they are crispy persimmons or red persimmons, they love to read; some people dare not eat persimmons, for fear of stones to come to the door. Can persimmons, can you eat with confidence?

Fresh persimmons: holy products in the fruit

Persimmon is rich in nutrition and is known as "fruit in the fruit", which is rich in various nutrients.


Intestinal laxative

Persimmon is rich in pectin, helps to prevent constipation, regulate the composition of intestinal flora, and has a good intestinal laxative effect.


Moisturize the lungs and phlegm

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that persimmons have the effects of refreshing thirst, clearing heat and moisturizing the lungs, reducing phlegm, and spleen, which is very suitable for autumn and winter.



Persimmon can clear heat and detoxify, helping to regulate blood pressure and alleviate hemorrhoid bleeding.


Protective cardiovascular and cerebrovascular

The vitamin C content in persimmon is more than 10 times that of Apple. In addition, persimmons also contain polyphenols, which are excellent antioxidants, which can help prevent atherosclerosis and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Persimmon cream, a "treasure"

Persimmon is a snack that many people like, its nutritional effect is similar to fresh persimmons. The white powder on the persimmon is called persimmon cream. Traditional Chinese medicine often uses it to relieve oral ulcers. It also has a good effect of clearing lung fire. It is especially suitable for the fire caused by Qiu dryness.

There are oral ulcers and long -term fire -firing. You can buy persimmon cream in the affected area, and you can also use it to soak in water.

Although the persimmons are good, they can't eat it like this


Do not eat raw persimmons

The tannic acid content of immature persimmons is very high, especially the peel of persimmon. The source of astringent flavors is tannic acid, so do not eat green persimmons, and the persimmon skin should be stripped as much as possible.


Do not eat on an empty stomach

Tannic acid is easy to combine with protein. Don't eat too much at a time when eating persimmons, and try not to eat foods rich in protein such as milk and crabs, so as not to cause indigestion and even stomach stones.


2 Types are not suitable for eating

◎ For people with cold stomach, persimmon is too cold and it is not recommended to eat.

◎ Persimmon sugar is relatively high, and people with high diabetic and high blood sugar are not suitable.

The diverse way of eating persimmon

Persimmon raw and cooked eating effects are different. Eating persimmons is cool, the main function is to clear heat and detoxify, clearing the lungs and stomach. People with cold spleen and stomachs are better to make persimmons or cooked, and they are more supplemented. They have the effects of strengthening the spleen and stomach, nourishing the lungs and astringent intestines.

Golden persimmon cake

Ingredients: persimmon, flour, glutinous rice flour, chestnut


Peel the persimmon to peel into mud. Two persimmons mud with two pieces of flour and one part of glutinous rice flour, kneaded into a dough, steamed the chestnut and steamed it into mud. The kneading dough is rolled into a dough, and the steamed chestnuts are added to the dough and wrapped into pie. The wrapped pie is low in oil temperature and fry until two sides of the sides.

Leaf small steamed bun

Ingredients: persimmons, flour


Persimmon juice, 70 grams of persimmon juice and 100 grams of flour plus 1 gram of yeast with the dough. Knead another ordinary dough and send it for 5-10 minutes.

② rolling noodles

Two darts are rolled into one small and two dumplings. Ordinary noodles are large, and persimmon juice dough is small.

③ Treatment of dough

Dip the surface of persimmon dumpling skin, and then put it on the ordinary dumpling skin as shown in the figure.

Two knives are cut into four parts, and the outer layer is rolled in white. Then, the four pieces of dough are dipped in the water as shown in the figure, and the two bottoms below are pinched together.

④ Make steamed buns

As shown in the figure, cut it in half, and then pinch two halves together after turning, sort out the shape and then brush the oil.

⑤ steam

Let's go to the pot for 5 minutes, and then steam for 8 minutes.

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