Dangerous ammonia -related departure headquarters invite experts to help the enterprise help and guide

Author:Yantai High -tech Time:2022.09.09

In order to enhance the overall level of safety production in the high -tech zone and ammonia -related refrigeration enterprises, on September 8, the high -tech zone dangerous ammonia -related ammonia -related departments invited experts to help and guide the district's district's ammonia -related ammonia -related enterprises.

Experts communicate with the hidden dangers found on the spot, and communicate with the principals of the enterprise face -to -face to how to do a good job of risk identification, control, and effectively prevent the implementation of hidden dangers and accidents from laws and regulations, the operation of the "dual control" mechanism, and the full responsibility system for membership.Implementation and other aspects have in -depth dial guidance.

The guidance and assistance activities were to help companies find shortcomings in security management, discover problems, find weak links, and thus solve problems and avoid accidents.Through this assistance and guidance work, it will further promote the implementation of the main responsibilities of the main body of production safety and continuously improve the level of enterprise safety management.

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